The End.. Or is it

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Fuck bro Marcus got shot. We got to take him to the hospital. Zyon says.
Bro go get London. Marcus said.
(The girls walk outside in a panic)
MARCUS, NO!! London yells!
London calm down, get in the car we got to rush him to the hospital. Zyon said. Okay let's go we got to get him to the hospital NOW! King said.
(King, London, and Zyon takes Marcus to the hospital)
London you gotta keep him up. King said
Baby, baby with me don't fall asleep. Fuck it hurts bad. Baby I know it hurts but please baby stay with me. London I love you! Marcus open your eyes, MARCUS open your eyes. ZYON FUCKN DRIVE HURRY UP! Baby if I die. No Marcus don't say that stop it. No seriously if I die I want you to know that you gave me the happiest last couple of months of my life.
(Marcus closes his eyes)
No baby wake up, Marcus wake up do not die on me. She said.
London check his pulse. Zyon said.
(She says nothing)
London did you hear me check his pulse. Zyon said again. It's to late he's dead, let's just take him to the hospital anyway maybe they can do something. London said soullessly. London it's okay, get out the car. Zyon said. Ma'am we need you to get out of the car and release Mr.Black from your hands. The paramedic said.
London it's okay let him go. King said.

(Friends and Family come to the hospital)

Hey everybody my name is Dr.Flex and I just wanted to let you know that we tried our best and although his heart was still beating when we got him to the ER he sadly did not make it, I'm so sorry for you guys death. I'll let you all grieve in remembrance of this young man, I'm sure he was a great guy as to see everybody here.
(London looks at the wall ahead as she begins to cry)
Please tell me I'm not going crazy, please tell me I'm not asleep, tell me he's not gone. She says while tiers fill her eyes. London baby you aren't dreaming.... He's gone. Marcus is dead. Her mom said back with a worried tone. No, no. no. no. This Isn't True, he said he wouldn't leave me. This can't be true no this is a dream wake me up. He can't be dead. No seriously, is mY ENTIRE HEART, DEAD. She said as tiers run down her face. London snap out of it he's gone you'll be alright. Shayla said. I'll be alright, I'll be alright. No No I Won't, YoU dOnt UndeRstand HE WAS everything, HE WAS THE ONLY PERSON THAT MADE ME FEEL LOVED, HE WAS THE ONLY TRUE MAN IN MY LIFE THAT ACTUALLY LOVED ME!!! She said screaming and crying. London calm down. Her dad said.
HOW CAN I POSSIBLY CALM DOWN WHEN I KEEP THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH OF A BITTER ASSHOLE I WAS TO HIM MOST OF OUR FRIENDSHIP. all he wanted was a little attention and for me to not be so mean to him and I wouldn't listen, how could I calm down and all I did was let other people get in between. The night I left Von. He came and got me, we had sex, the night we had sex he hadn't heard from me in 4 months why because I choose a punk ass boy over him. he tried to tell me but I wouldn't swallow my pride and I got hurt AGAIN. I CANT CALM DOWN, EVERY WOMAN HERE IS GOING TO TRY AND TELL ME THAT I CAN LIVE WITHOUT A MAN, yes I can, but Marcus just wasn't another man to me he was THE man, The man of my dreams the man the I needed to better myself the rock of my life he respected me way more then my dad respected my mom and I always thought I couldn't meet another man more respectful of women that my father! but I did meet a man and I was an asshole to him for years on top of years and he only got to have me all to himself for 3 months, y'all I don't know how to say this, but I'm pregnant. (Oh wow. From the background) yup it's out thee I'm pregnant 5 weeks. I planned on telling him today, but now he's dead and the memories of the most happiest three months of my entire life isn't even filling my head, what's filling my head is the past 8 years that I was nothing but a bitch to him and all he wanted to do was love me. The words "i fucking hate you" came out of my arrogant ass mouth and was directed towards him. WHNE All He did was Try to tell me my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me with his best friend, which was a guy by the way. I had the audacity to tell him that he wasn't shit. What the fuck was wrong with me, and now I'm gonna not move on From this and a child is now growing inside me and his or her father is dead. Thank everybody forcoming in honesty. But I'm gonna go home because i know what each and every one of you are going to try to tell me, but there's nothing that can change my mind I will never move on from him, finding somebody else isn't difficult it's them wanting to accept the fact that he's never leaving my heart is! Good night everybody have a great rest of your week.
(She gets on her moms car and stars to cry)

(5 years later)
(Tierra) baby Zyon and big Zyon are a pain in my butt together but their my babies, and I love both of them. I take care of both of them because no matter when both of them act a fool when I'm not at home lol, but I'm a great mother and a excellent wife, 4 years married, fits good on me and 5 as a mother fits even better.

(Asia) A mother to 2 beautiful twin and a wife of a fantastic husband. It took a lot of getting used to but I managed to stay through it as a proud black woman, I'm happy I get to say that I was apart of such An excellent family and I raised two beautiful daughters with my husband King. I live it. and I love it.

(London) A widow with a 5 year old son, making sure that he lives in his fathers footsteps, making sure I shape him into an even better version of his...

Oop I'm sorry. Brandon said. Oh it's fine. London replied. Hey your little Marcus mom aren't you. He asked. Yes indeed I am, London is my name. She said. Brandon. He replied. Nice to meet you Brandon. She replied. You know, I would really like to take you out sometime. He said looking in her eyes. Oh wow, umm i don't know if that's a good idea. She said. Hey I know already your son told me, I lost my wife 3 years again, in a bank robbery. She was held hostage,'police say they had no option but to shoot and kill her. I have my daughter kiss her mother's picture Before she leaves out. He said. Wow I'm sorry for your loss, my husband died in a shooting as well. In fact at my friends baby shower. She replied. Oh wow, I'm sorry your loss, well since we're kinda on the same page what about that date? He asked again. Alright fine that's my number. You can call me after the game. She replied. Alright cool see you around. Alright.

I make sure to shape him to be a even better man than his father was although his father was outstanding! It's good to have a better version.

(All) Thanks for listening diary. The End or is it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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