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Dear diary, I'm in the hospital and I've been here for like 3 days now I'm so sick of it. I guess it's just stressful to know that I was dead for 20 minutes. They keep asking me what did I see and what was death like, news reporters keep coming here asking me questions. Why is all the attention on me I don't like it. it's stressing me out and I'm confused on how I died and no one seems to actually care about that they just want to know what I seen, it's annoying.
                      ~Von knocks on the door~
Come in. Brianna said. Hey Brianna. Von said with his head down. What Do you want. She replied. Look Bri  I'm gon be straight forward with you, i been crushing you lately like what's up with it. He said smiling. Come here let me whisper something to you, we are not cool you and my cousin might still have something going on but it's soon to end because I'm telling her what you did y'all been talking for a month and some days now and you haven't even went to the hospital to see her. Then you telling everybody her business. You the reason why she in the damn hospital. You can play with them other girls feelings that's nun of my business, but my cousin is not one of yo lil grab and goes, stop telling people y'all had sex and the next time you even build up the courage to ask me some stupid shit like that I will fuckn cut you. Now get the fuck away from my house. Alright just tell her I'm gonna text her.

......I guess I'm getting a shot now, well I'm pregnant with a dad that doesn't want the baby. Tiera said. Tiera you're what? Her mother said. Mom I'm pregnant. Omg I'm gonna be a GRANDMA ayyyyyyy. Mom, I'm pregnant. Tiera I know I heard you. You're not mad? Look I had you when I was 15 you're having a baby and you're 19 I always taught you to not do what I did. And you didn't well you didn't get pregnant around the age I had you. I see some young girls out here pregnant, your young but you still had a baby at a age where I know I won't have to really worry about taking care of you and the baby. Okay mom that's great, but we still have a problem. That is? The father doesn't want to have the baby and I've been texting him all day. Oh no baby he helped make this baby so he gon help take care of this baby this is MY grand baby, child support shall he be. No ma I'm not putting him on child support, I hate that shit. Okay so what are you gonna do as far as this baby having a father.? I'm 3 weeks now we still got a long time. Okay we'll figure it out. Okay i will.

Dear diary, lI really hope my baby is a boy, but that's one thing. I don't like the position me and his father are in but deep down I feel like someone is going to help me with him.
                          ~ Tiera phone rings ~
Hey T. Siren says. Hey siren, what you been up to. She replied. Nothing I was calling because I wanted to ask you was you still coming to my brothers party. Siren said. Oh yea I forgot about that, does he still like me. Tiera said while smiling. Yes he does that's why I'm asking you are you still coming. Siren said laughing. I'm flabbergasted, he's cute. Tiera said sarcastically. Girl yo ass can't even spell flabbergasted, with yo slow ass. Shut up, but yea you can tell him I'm coming, oh and also I'm pregnant. You whaaaaaat!? I'm pregnant, three weeks today! Oh wow congratulations girl, I'm ready for somebody to knock me up. No you don't, this shit is already annoying! And his daddy ain't worth shit and don't wanna take responsibility for his child. See look niggas ain't shit, but okay I'm gonna let him know you coming. Okay.
                 ~Tiera hangs up and calls Von~
Hello. Yea wassup. Don't wassup me I gave you time to think are you gonna be in my child's  life or not because I'll make it work with Or without you! Tiera you just got pregnant you know how long I got to decide. What the fuck do you mean so much time, do you know how fast 9 months could go by, not to mention my family has a history of having babies a month early. Okay well then when you have the baby I'll give you my answer about this damn thing. Von you get on my fuckn nervous! Well shit you shouldn't have let me hit we wouldn't be in this situation! Fuck you nigga this ain't our child anymore it's MY child since you wanna act like that. Okay fuck that's better for me I told yo dumb ass I didn't want no babies anyway hoe! Oh so now I'm a hoe, it's okay Von don't say nothing else to me. 
    ~she starts to cry, later that day at the party~

Hey Tiera I see you finally came to one of my parties. Zyon said. Yea your sister pressed me to come. Tiera said. Anyway I heard you pregnant, congrats on that. Thank you. You know if it's a girl she's going to be as gorgeous and as confident as her mother, and if it's a boy he's going to be just as passionate and as great of a leader as his mother too, and if they are twins. Asia cuts him off. Wait hold on please don't wish twins on me. She said jokingly, but thank you. No problem who's the father. Zyon asked. The father is a fuckn dead beat ass nigga that I wish I never met! She said annoyed. Oh wow I mean, I would like to help you with the baby. Zyon said. No I'm okay, it's fine. She replied. Tiera I know you're independent but sometimes we all need a little help, you're gonna have a baby, no one should have to raise a child by themselves they need help somewhere down the road and I'd rather me help you with the baby from jump. than you beg everybody else to help later. Zyon said confidently. Z it's okay. She said. Tiera I'm lowkey not giving you an option on this baby, I'm gonna help you in some way shape or form! He said back. Okay I guess but like I don't want you to feel a certain way helping someone raise a child that isn't yours! It's okay as long as me and you are together it's gonna be our child, you said the father isn't helping so I'll take his place.
Do you see Zyon over there talking to the pregnant girl, he need somebody like me and stop trying to get with her ugly ass. Jasmine said. She isn't ugly in fact she's very beautiful, and he's talking to a pregnant girl because it's his business, now turn around get our their conversation........

Dear diary This is my introduction, pregnant with a baby. A father that doesn't want to be in it's life. But someone else seems pretty excited to be a father!, lets see how the rest of this story plays.

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now