A dark secret

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You're what. Von says quietly. Von im pregnant and I'm not aborting the baby! Tiera said.  Nah T we gotta abort it I'm not ready to be a dad. Von says aggressive. Really Von you are ready to stick yo dick in me without a condom then tell me that you not gonna cum in me, you do the complete opposite and now I'm pregnant what the fuck did you expect to fucking happen Von! She said with an angry tone. T come on please. Von replies. Von it's a human being growing inside of me this is not just any old baby this is my baby I'm not killing it and you a bitch for asking me, Tiera said Aggressively. T look I'm sorry I'm just not ready to be a dad, Can you forgive me? He said softly. Okay yes I'll forgive you, but seriously we need to figure this out. Tiera said. Okay, love you I'll text you later. Okay love you too.

~Von hangs up, Asia and Bri start to talk about the night before~

Soooooooooooooo you really let him smash! Brianna says aggressively. It wasn't like I wanted it to happen it just kinda did, like a little part wanted him all up and throughout me! Then the other side kept thinking about..
~Asia starts to look down at her bed as if something's wrong~
You kept thinking about? Brianna replied. I kept thinking about me disrespecting my mommas house by even letting him in! Asia said. Nah it's deeper than that I see in your face what's wrong Asia.
~Asia begins to cry~
Nothing it's nothing. Asia your crying what's wrong did that nigga hurt you and will kill that Lil bitch. No, no he didn't hurt me. Asia then what the fuck is wrong, you said you really didn't want him here, so what did he rape you?
~Lisa hears the question Brianna asked and ran upstairs~
Asia are your okay! Auntie Lisa I don't know what's wrong with her. Asia it's yo momma talk to me.
~Asia's still crying she's not listening she zoned out.  She begins to say stuff under her breath~
Asia it's your mom talk to me, are you thinking about it?, baby don't think about it. Auntie Lisa what are your takings about?, what is she thinking about. Bri I'll explain it later
                     ~Lisa touched Asia shoulder~
DONT TOUCH ME UNCLE DERICK GET OFF ME YOUR RAPING ME! Asia screams. OH MY GOD auntie Lisa uncle derick raped her??? I'll explain it later, wake up Asia It's not real wake up baby he's not here.  right Asia wake up, do you know if she had sex recently I heard y'all talking about something? Yea last night she explained to me how she really didn't want it but at the same time she did!
                             ~Asia can't breathe~
Asia baby I need you to wake up and breathe! Auntie is she okay? No she can't breathe go get me some cold water and wake Brandon up! Okay
~She goes to get the water and wakes him up, Asia opens her eyes, she's having and hard time breathing~
Hey baby it's momma I need you to breathe, breath Asia breath. Momma she's okay? No she can't breathe Brandon. Here you go auntie Lisa!
~Asia's eyes start to roll in the back of her head, there's not oxygen getting to her brain~
OH MY GOD AUNTIE LISA SHE DYING! No she's not calm down Bri she's just knocked out she could die if we don't get her to the hospital in less than 20 minutes, Brandon call the ambulance tell them she's going into cardiac arrest! Okay, hello
Yes sir what is your emergency
My sister she's going into cardiac arrest!
Okay sir calm down what's your address
4567 W. Lexington Street
Okay an ambulance will be there shorty
Sir make sure she's already by the door or outside!
Okay thank you!
What's did they say! We need to take her downstairs by the door or outside! Okay grab her we gon sit outside! Auntie is she okay? Yes Bri she's fine.

~Brandon's carrying her downstairs, she begins to shake her brain has no oxygen, Brianna starts to cry~

OH MY GOD AUNTIE LISA SHE'S DYING, BRANDON HURRY UP, Stop screaming I don't wanna drop her, They're here take her out there,

Sir lay her on the stretcher! We're gonna rush her there, are you her mother ma'am? Yes I'm her mother!
We're gonna rush her there please come with us.
                   ~1 hour later at the hospital~
Hi ma'am are your Asia's mother? Yes sir I am! Okay and are your her father? No sir I'm her brother. Okay so she was brain dead, her brain lost oxygen and She died when she got here!, I know it's scary to hear but she's alright we revived her, but she's gonna have to stay here for 2 weeks. Oh Gosh thank you so much doc. Now I have to ask. from seeing her autopsy, has she ever been Molested or Raped before? Yes once in the past about 3 years ago! Okay so she can't have and sexually contact within 4 months from now and if she does her brain will trigger the flashback of that moment which would cause her to go into a state of shock and she'll go into cardiac arrest, I'm assuming she had sex recently! Yes she did! May I ask whom are you? I'm her cousin Brianna! Okay Brianna if you have contact with her boyfriend or who even she's sleeping with, tell them that she's in the hospital and that when she gets out she can't have any sexual contact such as kissing of the neck, sex, oral sex, and groping! Okay I'll let him know. Okay great she's awake you guys can go ahead and see her have a great day. You too doc!
                           ~Later that day~
Hey have y'all seen Von I need to talk to him! Brianna asked a group of girls. Ugh where you been at all day! Tyla said. Right girl class was boring as hell without you her! Star also said. At the hospital y'all know my cousin Asia? Brianna said. Yes. They said. Well she went into cardiac arrest this morning so we been at the hospital. Brianna said. Damn Von must've really fuck her ass up last night! Janiya said. Who told y'all they had sex! Brianna said angrily.  Von, he been talking about it all day and tell us not to say nun because you know him and London still together, she need to  leave him and talk to my cousin Marcus! Tyla said. Yea they would be cute together! Star replied. Where is he? Brianna asked. Him, London, the football team and all they girlfriends went to Jackie N Joe. Star said. Okay thank y'all.

~Brianna gets to Jackie N Joe~

Von are you fucking serious!...........

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now