It only gets sweeter!

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• 2 Months later •

Hey baby wake up. Marcus whispers to London, London wake up! He says again. Okay okay I'm up. She says, what you want I'm tired. I have a show today, do you wanna go with me? He asked. What time is it. She says. It's starts at 3:45 but sound check is in like an hour but I still have to go set up the kit. Okay let me get up! She says.      ~she's getting ready, Marcus looks at her while she's doing her hair~
What am I doing something wrong? She says looking crazy. No, nothing your doing is wrong. He replied. Okay, why you just staring at me it's weird! She said rolling her eyes. Okay one don't roll your eyes at me, and two I find it amazing that as soon as you wake up, you already look beautiful! It amazes me how you use zero makeup and are so gorgeous. He says passionately! Honey, the only type of females you've ever messed with were girls that try so hard for everybody to like them and are complete assholes, I'm not them, they have to use makeup to feel good about themselves but me I don't need all that I have bomb ass coochie  and i have a gorgeous ass face. I don't need makeup to make me look any better, because when you're already beautiful makeup makes you look ugly! She said with sas. Well check me then. He says laughing, oh and also wear all black we have to match! Why do we have to match. She says. Just because we are one and this is the first time you've come to one of my shows as my girlfriend so we have to match and you have to get reimbursed and introduced as Bae, okuurrrrt or how ever y'all do it. He says jokingly serious. Okay Marcus one thing I will not tolerate is you doing the Cardi  okay, because it's gay and you don't sound right. She says giggling. Whatever, hurry up so we can go.
Hey so I heard you and Tiera together bro. O'rian says. Oh yea we together we been together for about 2 months now we started talking at me party a couple months back. He said smiling. That couldn't be me dating someone that's pregnant and it ain't my baby. O'rian said confused. See look everybody looks at it that way. I actually care about this girl grew up with her, and I've always had a crush on her. When you care about someone like you say you do you take care of them no matter what, and how I look at it like this, her babies father doesn't want to help her with the baby. So because I care about her as much as I say I do and because I feel as if this baby shouldn't be raised without a male role model In it's life I took that responsibility. Zyon said. Dang bro I didn't look it that way, and I didn't know all that was going on with her baby daddy my bad Z. O'rian said. Nah you good bro.
~Zyon phone rings~
Hello, baby I need you to take me to the store! Tiera said. Nah stay at home and lay down you don't feel good. Zyon said back. No I need to go, and the doctor said I need to be more active and I need to walk around more so come take me to the store. She said with a generous tone. Okay well I'm on the way right now.
~she gets a text message~
Hey, how are you feeling sweetheart. King said I'm good baby, how'd you sleep last night counting the fact you fell asleep on me. She says back. See look that's besides the point. He said while laughing. Nah it is that point. No it's not. Yea it is. No it's not. I'm not about to go back and forth with someone that's works at Walmart. I'm not bout to argue with someone that doesn't have a job at all.  Woooow it's that deep. Yes it is ma'am.
~They both laugh~
Can I tell you something. She says. Yea wassup beautiful? He says back. When I first gave you my number 3 months ago I didn't think in the slightest bit that you would make me this happy. At all and I'm being completely honest. Like my mom loves you, you and my brother always doing stuff together. Like I've never ever seen my brother so close to any boy that I've ever talked to besides you. Like when you at my house and you say you just wanna chill, you aren't just sweet talking to have sex. we actually just sit and chill out and watch movies. You don't make everything sexual like you might say something here and there during one of our conversations but it's not like the only thing we talk about it sex, and like it's funny how we laugh so much together and we're goofy together. And that's something i wasn't used to at first like when we drive and you reach over and hold my hand I feel so special....

(London) it seems as if everything Aline's perfectly (Asia) our conversation are sweet (Tiera) the time we spend together is amazing (Asia) I feel like I'm the only thing that matters (Tiera) nothing else matter when I'm with... (London) him, I'm in love with him (Asia) but I feel it's to good to be true (Tiera) I was always told that every good thing has a falling out somewhere down the road (London) but with him I don't get that feeling
(All) it only gets sweeter from here, or so you think......

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now