The truth hurts

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Von are you serious bro!!! Brianna yells. Damn girl calm down are you okay? London said trying to see what was wrong. No London I'm not! Okay what's the problem? How long y'all been talking? We together for about a month but you know we always in and off!, why? London he's been talking to my cousin for about a week now.! Are you serious? Yes I have messages to prove it!, read it! Oh and also he got Tiera pregnant!
~London slaps Von, Jason stands up as if he was going to hit her~ 
I'm just gonna go home, London says. London don't go, wait for me. Von says chasing after her. No von leave me alone. Why should I? Because you just hurt my fuckn feelings. How, I was just kidding!  VON STOP LYING!! London calm down I'm not lying. So you bout to really act like Tiera not pregnant and you ain't talking to Asia. She don't mean nun to me, I want you and only you. No the fuck you don't because not only are you still fuckn round with Tiera but you fuckn Asia too, this whole time you've been playing with my fuckn feelings and I'm done with the fuckn bullshit bro. London I'm sorry! sorry, sorry, FUCK YO SORRY BRO!!! You played me like a fuckn goofy, I fell in love with you Von do you even understand that nigga!, Like this is not a damn joke you always think shit is funny when nothing is, I gave you everything!. London I'm sorry! VON I GAVE YOU EVERY FUCKN THING!!! I GAVE YOU MY TIME, LOVE,  ALL MY FUCKN ATTENTION,  AND MY FUCKN VIRGINITY!! I understand that Babygirl. THAT'S NOT MY NAME!, you don't get to call me that anymore!, you're a fuckn selfish uptight asshole!, why is everything a fuckn smash and go Von!? London it's not I care about you I love you, come here. don't touch me,  DONT TOUCH ME!! you don't care! You never cared Von and I realize that now, I gave you everything the little things mattered with you Von, when you kissed me It felt like nobody else was there it felt like all my worries were gone it felt like nothing else mattered but that kiss, when we didn't do Nothing but sit and talk THE LITTLE FUCKN THINGS MATTER NIGGA!! London I know that just give me a second chance! you ran out of second chances you should've ran out 23 second chances ago. I liked you and had a crush on you for years and when we finally get together you do nothing but fuck up. Von because you simply don't care, but it's okay because it was a fuck up on your end because it's a nigga that's been lurking in the shadows waiting for you to fuck up and you finally fucked all the way up because I'm over it I'm over you! Goodbye Von! London please don't go, imma Change I swear London, London, FUCK!!
                                  ~ 1 hour later ~
Hey Marcus, can I come over I can't stop crying!? London says on the phone with Marcus.  Yea what's wrong are you okay? Marcus says back. No I just need you! London says sobbing. Okay stay there I'll come to you I should be there in 15 minutes!
                          ~ 20 minutes later ~
( Marcus pulls up, London come down the stairs and gets in the car )  London starts crying. I can't do it he hurt me to bad I fuckn hate him! She says. Okay London calm down it's okay. Marcus says as he holds her.  I need and want you Marcus I like need you now. She's says looking up at him. I don't think that's a good idea London you just got your heart broken and I respect you too much to do that! He replies. Marcus you've wanted to fuck me ever since Tyla told you about me and since you've seen me, I'm not really trying to respect the fact I just got my heart broke Von a whole bitch and I've always wanted you, now let's go back to your house!! She says looking at the road ahead. Are you sure London you don't wanna just drive. Marcus drive, she said as she rubs his dick.

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now