Chapter 4: Charged with Assault

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The next morning Hadley woke up when she heard someone whisper "Morning gorgeous." in her ear and pull her closer to him. She rolled over and was nose to nose with Bucky and she whispered "Morning." He started to play with her hair and said "My back was starting to hurt so we came in here."

She laughed. "Can I ask you something Hadley?" he whispered 

"Yeah." she whispered 

"Did you have a name picked out?" he whispered.

She smiled and said "Yeah I did. I had already picked out stuff for the nursery at my place too. But if the baby was going to be a girl her name was going to be Chloe Grace if the baby was going to be a boy his name was going to be Chase Jaxson."  

He said "Those are both great names."

She said "Thank you. Your brother didn't think so he hated the names but I didn't care the baby was due in September on the 15th. And your brother was no where to be found I was alone cause he wouldn't pick up the damn phone." 

"Hadley I'm so sorry." he whispered as he wiped some tears and then said "You don't have to answer this but what happened?"

"We had a fight the night before cause that's when he asked me to move in. I told him that I didn't want to. I have my own shit to deal with I don't need his added on he just wants me to move in with him so I will pay his bills..but anyways We fought for hours just yelling and screaming at each other and I finally left his apartment and went home. When I woke up the next morning I was spotting and cramping. I called Becca and told her my symptoms and she told me to come in. I did and they did the ultrasound and there was no heartbeat the baby  was gone." she said 

Bucky hugged her and said "Oh babydoll I'm so sorry."

Becca heard her and said "I knew he had something to do with it. He may not have physically did anything to you or the baby but the stress of the fight that night caused it." 

"Sorry Becca I didn't mean to wake you up." She said 

Then from upstairs they heard "Hadley Rose where are you?" Alex was looking for her. 

Hadley closed her eyes and started to shake. "Hadley I won't let him hurt you." Bucky

"Hadley breathe." Becca said 

She covered her ears the more he yelled for her. Then they heard him get louder.

She whispered "Make him stop." as she started to cry.

Then they heard the door to the bedroom.

"You son of a bitch. Thats my girlfriend." Alex said as he punched Bucky.

He pulled Hadley by her blonde hair "Let her go Alex.." Bucky said as he went to punch him back.

"You get the fuck out of my face." He said as he threw Hadley over his shoulder.

"Put her down" Becca said as she blocked the door. He pushed Becca out of the way.

He carried her upstairs as she cried and screamed for him to let her go. Bucky ran after them he got to their bedroom door he turned the knob but it was locked.

Alex had her slammed against the door. Which broke the door a little from her head. Her vision went blurry he punched her in the face blackening her eye and busted her nose.

He threw her on the floor and he kicked in.

"Just in case he tried to get your ass pregnant. I told you baby that you belong to me and Im going to make sure he knows he cant have you." Alex said just as Bucky kicked the door in.

He put his brother in a head lock like he was taught in the military. "I got you now you sick son of a bitch." He whispered.

Alex went out like a light Bucky tossed him to the side and crawled to Hadley.

"Doll baby stay with me.." he whispered

James came in with the EMTs and police. Bucky went with them as Becca and the rest of the family followed. The local hospital knew the family and gave them clearance. Winnie got her laceration stitched up on her cheek bone.

Bucky did her scans he made his notes. He went to her room they had a oxygen mask on her. He put her scans on the light.

"Mom get ready cause she has some internal bleeding a concussion with some swelling and Becca she was 8 weeks pregnant." He said

"She didnt even know.." Becca said

They went to the OR and performed the surgeries she needed. After her surgery was over Bucky asked his dad.

"Any family?." He said

"Her mom but her mom has dementia." James said

"Oh.." he said

He walked into her room he pulled the chair up to the side of her bed. He held her hand so she didnt feel alone. She woke up a few hours later he smiled at her.

"Hey darlin." He whispered.

He checked her incisions and her eye sight. "You are okay. Bruised ribs a concussion. A bruised back and a miscarriage you were 8 weeks along. You get to go home tomorrow." He said

"Please James.. tell me that hes gone." She whispered

He wiped the tear that fell down her cheek. "Hes been arrested and charged baby doll." He said

"Thank you." She whispered

"It wasnt a problem baby" he said then he left to get her some food.

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