Chapter 10: Their Baby Girl

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A few weeks after Hadley and Bucky got back from their honeymoon and had their first baby appointment with Becca  they had to attend their first Charity Ball. Hadley wasn't looking forward to it cause she had to buy a brand new dress for it cause like her wedding dress nothing was starting to fit especially with this pregnancy being her third one she was starting to show a little bit earlier than she did her first go around. 

She stood in the store with Bucky and cried and said "I hate this I don't want to go James. Nothing fits or looks right and we haven't even told your family yet." 

"Baby it's ok we are going to tell them tonight at the ball we just have to find you a dress that's all." Bucky said 

"I hate this. Do you think this one will be ok? I like the blue but I don't want to give your mom or grandma a heart attack." She said 

"Well I love it baby but you are definitely showing for someone who is suppose to be 16 weeks." Bucky said 

"Well I can't help the fact that I've been pregnant before and we haven't been around the family since Christmas

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"Well I can't help the fact that I've been pregnant before and we haven't been around the family since Christmas." She said as she stood in front of the mirror and wanted to cry. Bucky was right she wasn't going to be able to hide it. He came up behind her and said"But you look beautiful baby and this baby bump is beautiful." as he laid his hands on it. 

They bought the dress and went home. Hadley got herself ready and Bucky helped her with her dress and she slipped on her navy blue heels and he said "Perfect darlin." 

They got to the ball and his mom spotted them right away and she made a beeline for them and said "Omg you are pregnant again you haven't said nothing." 

"Surprise mom." Bucky said 'Actually before you get mad we were waiting till the time was right to tell the family it's just she didn't expect to be showing so early she's 16 weeks and due in July." 

"I'm not mad sweetie I'm thrilled." she said 

Hadley smiled and said "I just I'm scared this time around so I asked James to keep it a secret as long as we could." 

They told the rest of the family that was there and then they went home. He massaged her feet and said "God you looked so beautiful tonight baby."

"Thank you baby." she whispered as she was slowly falling asleep. He laid beside her and kissed her forehead and kissed her stomach and said "Good night my girls." 

He always slept with his hand on her bump and loved feeling his little girl move around at night. It gave him a sense of peace that his little girl was alright in her mama. The next two months were filled with charity balls and dinner parties and Hadley was tired all the time between work and her on call schedule and then the duties of being married to a Barnes it was getting to be to much for her by June. She was glad that when June hit the balls and dinner parties had slowed down. 

*July 10th*

Hadley had just finished up with a patient and was working on her notes when she felt a contraction. She was in her office. James was with a patient and she hunched over desk and whispered "shit this really hurts." 

"Oh god." she said again as she felt water run down her leg. 

She pushed the button her office phone to the front desk and said "Mia I need Dr Barnes in my office now. I'm in labor." 

Mia ran down the hall to where he was doing an exam and said "Dr Barnes I know you are busy but your wife is in labor in her office." 

Bucky went running towards Hadley's office and he said "Baby." when he walked in and saw her face and she said "My water broke and I'm afraid to move James. Ow oww owwh." she started to cry. 

"Mia get me labor and delivery on the phone now. Tell them that Dr Hadley Carter-Barnes  is in labor and can't move."  Bucky  said 

"Baby can you sit down." he said to her

"No I'm ccccrowning James she's coming now!" she said 

"Oh god baby." Bucky said

"Get me my sister now." he yelled down the hallway

He closed her office door and took off his coat and helped lay Hadley down on the floor of her office and she started to cry.  Becca said  came through the door and said "Oh god she's crowning James." 

"I know she's already said that." he said 

"Becca  got down in the floor Bucky got Hadley's hand. 

"Hey L&D this is Katie Barnes-Brown I have my sister in law they called ahead but she's not going to make it she's crowning I need someone to bring me a clamp for the cord and some blankets and a diaper." Becca  said on her phone.

"Oh God I need pain meds." Hadley said

"Sorry best friend but no can do you need to push." Becca said 

Hadley started to push and scream and Becca said "You are doing good Hadley come on give me another big push come on." 

"AHHHH!" Hadley screamed as she pushed. again and Becca said "Good Hadley good come on one more push she's almost out." 

"Ahh.." she pushed one more time then heard her little girl cry and Mia came in just in time with all the stuff Becca needed.

Becca  cleaned up her niece and said "Here you go Hadley and James your little girl is here."

Hadley was sweating and breathing hard and she started to cry and said "Hey my little angel." 

"Hey beautiful." Bucky whispered as he wiped tears of joy. 

"Addalynn Faith Barnes." Hadley whispered 

Bucky said "It's perfect." 

EMTs came over and took Hadley to the hospital. Buckynhelped his sister clean up the mess then headed over to Hadley. When he walked in Hadley was breastfeeding Addalynn and he said "Nothing more beautiful then my girls." 

He kissed her and said "You did amazing today baby." 

"I can't believe she was born in my office I wasn't having a lot of contractions today my water broke after a strong one and then I could feel her. She said 

Bucky started to laugh and said "Mia was so freaked out when she came to tell me that you were in labor." 

Hadley laughed and said "I didn't know what else to do I couldn't move." 

He kissed her forehead and took Addalynn and cuddled her and said "You did what you could do baby. She's here with us and she's perfect." 

"That she is." Hadley said she laid her head against his arm and stared at her daughter as she slept.

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