Chapter 7: Wedding Planning

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The next morning after their engagement party Bucky took Hadley to see her mom since it was a Saturday morning.

Bucky pulled into the parking lot and he said "Hadley baby please be prepared that this could not go the way you want it to ok." 

"I understand baby. I'm a nurse I understand all the medical stuff ok. I have to deliver bad news almost every other day." she said 

She got out of the car and as she came around the front of the car he grabbed her hand. They walked in and he said "Hey Cassie how did she do last night?"

"She did not have a good night she just keeps asking for her mom and she believes she's 16." Cassie the nurse said 

Hadley swallowed back some tears and bit her lip. Bucky said 'Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes no maybe I don't know." she said as she ran out the front door and cried against the car. He came up behind her and hugged her and said "Shh baby come on just get in the car we will do this another time ok." He opened the car door and she got in. 

"James if I asked you a question would you be honest with me?" She said 

"Of course." he said to her

"Do I need to be tested for her disease?" she said to him 

"Baby don't." he said 

"James I know it's hereditary please tell me." she said 

"If you feel like you should then baby I will do it. But don't you dare make me do it cause you think you have it cause I know for a fact that you don't and you won't. I know what to look for do you want to know why..because my grandmother on my mom's side died of dementia when I was 15 years old I watched her lose her memory day after day till she was gone. That's why I went into neuro and general. Baby I don't see what I saw with her and I don't see it in my mom." He said to her

"I want you to be sure please." she said to him 

He pulled the car over and said "Hadley Rose Faith baby please listen to me. You are going to be fine I promise. Please let's just focus on planning our wedding and then talk about the scary stuff later please." 

She said "Ok." 

"Ok." he said as he pulled back on to the road 

They pulled into his mom's drive way and said "Hadley I love you baby." 

"I love you too James" she said 

They walked into his mom's house and her kitchen table was full of wedding planning supplies as Becca and her were looking at things. "Morning mom." Bucky said 

"Morning sweetie how did it go at the nursing home?" she said

"Not good we ended up leaving before she could see her." Bucky said 

Hadley came in behind him and said "I think it's best that I not go see her. So let's start planning I found the invitations that I want." she sat down at the table with her laptop.

She pulled up the website for the invitations and showed them to everyone.

Bucky said "Baby I love those." 

"I figured since it's Christmas we would do red and black. I also have how I want our cake." she said. 

Winnie looked at her Hadley and said "Hadley honey you look like you haven't slept." 

"Oh I pulled a 48 hour shift earlier this week so I could have the weekend off." she said 

Winnie looked at Bucky  he just shrugged his shoulders and said "I stayed in the on call room and slept when she slept." 

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