Lark/New Flyer! Reader .:turn left, you got it!:.

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(Pilotwings is owned by  Paradigm Entertainment and Nintendo (c) )

>>ps. this story poses more SNES references than 64, since it contains more story

>>also, you're 14-17 in this story

Today was the day you were going to train with a new, barely-known team of pilot flyers that were merely located out your state. You had received a paper promoting anyone willing to train to become a pilot to go to there area in any interest for tips or understanding of any kind. This was 1996, so information with books and articles would take awhile to get. why, learning from a group of trained professionals would be a greater and personal experience towards one's dream, wouldn't it? So, it took awhile, but after your parents agreed to let you on your own after signing you up, you had finally transferred to the base of the location in less than 10 hours.

The boat that sailed you stopped and took seconds until it was fully finished with its process of putting its form stationary beside the island. It took awhile, but your hefted everything you needed and soon set off the boat, it promised to return the next day. As it lingered into the distance, you had begun to start your journey towards the quarters of a small shop-like shelter. It appeared slightly gray and without a surprise, had a plane beside it, making it appear a good touch to rid the look of it just being a little room.

You knew that's likely where papers would be recorded, so you followed your instincts, feeling feet shorten to inches as you were already close to putting your hand on the doorknob, your sight once switching from unassorted colors from the distance to a close, worn-down matter of bland monochrome colors had in the shop. Focusing on everything that appeared like a room of an old warehouse, you had abruptly stopped to feel it was locked-

no other familiar place around the area contained another of these that were actually available, did they? You took a second look, seeing all area abandoned from life except lively green hues that plastered the ground everywhere, steep hills hitting almost up to where you thought were the clouds. no one, nothing.


you jumped, looking frantically again, before you looked to the left of the apartment for dirty colors, seeing someone with a white helmet that appeared small, (possibly from the distance), but you could tell their height likely was the same as yours, as they appeared like a kid. Maybe 15-

and, a boy?

Besides that, his body was to stay hidden behind the wall, the only showing strapped number on his chest of 28 and a white shirt underneath it. His leg bent to reveal knee gear

It didn't take a second for you to take full notice of everything after you had already spotted his appearance in full view before he spoke again

"you're at the wrong place. sorry, we weren't able to see ya in time. With little people who get here, I was sorta surprised I missed out on telling everyone about you coming in a few hours."

he possessed a cat-like smile as his eyes trailed to what you were trying to open

"might not wanna go in there, we bombed the inside with pesticides to clean it. Heh, well not that you could anyways"

You looked toward the knob, feeling suddenly uneased by its appearance knowing the fact it not only appeared off but had the scent and atmosphere of it as well

You skipped to him with your backpack over your back, him removing himself from your sight as he began to walk through the area of where space was right beside the doored place and plane like an alleyway. As if he was savoring his excitement for something

you walked alongside him, and soon enough he began to describe the history of the island, as he said he was ordered to do for newcomers, but you could tell he was easily distracted by other conversations, him moving on to other subjects after you bribed him of it by just a few comparisons like flying to steering a car

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