SMASH! MasterHand!/Admin! Reader .:picking...picking..:.

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Image from: Battles Wiki

You were a popular admin that took care of the votes that would come in for the next smash game and which were to be in the game and which weren't. It was a complicated job: to keep fans happy along with the future if people were to look back at the options chosen for the smash game and say it was a good choice

You sat in the office you would always be in, looking at the most voted characters for the newest smash release, slightly exhausted at the mean work that hit you like a baseball bat


you trailed down, seeing the chart that had the names plastered ridiculously on it like it was scribbled like a five-year-old on it. although, you wrote that

you were too tired to focus, and it was affecting your work, too. "nnn" you groaned, sitting at your table

knock, knock... CRAsH

Your heart skipped a beat, causing  you to not manage any sound whatsoever as the door broke, a looking-shameless masterhand looking stiff and awkward between the room and the hallway

"uh-" you began

the large hand tried to crawl inside carefully like a hand that tried to go in a little hole to reach for something

You looked at the graph, seeing a comment that you put for the boredom of your job someone had suggested 

you tried to erase it, but-

no, that's not a whiteboard, that needs an eraser! that's paper!

the hand was already in, but, snapped its fingers, shrinking

you stayed quiet, the masterhand was a boss to you, it couldn't talk, it just made signals and such, but sometimes his power was more intimidating than your worst nightmare

it was the size of a regular glove for an adult, as he hovered over to the graph, looking down to the content you previously saw in advance, it looking at you for an answer from seeing:

"Waluigi pays his taxes. put him in smash pls"

you took out a grin, feeling your heart drop and blood turn your head into a poisonous cold feeling

it hurt, but, just keep smiling....

he shook as if slightly disappointed, but went over to you to see papers on the large, brown table and data that looked like it was worked on for hours. his fingers pointed down effortlessly, only to point at you for a while before giving a 'thumbs up'

this time, you made a little smile with a "heh"

he stopped and looked over again to the graph before going over to the door, making the "ok" sign, you knowing this meant his approval was right through your eyes

you gave him the same sign, him taking his presence elsewhere as your hand took its own time going on the table, just as tired as your aura

minutes passed and all you requested was sleep before footsteps emerged, a few characters walked in, to your surprise. they weren't supposed to enter in the place where it was only meant for you, the admin and others, masterhand and crazy hand where important work was done. it was warned that if characters arrived, some would want to wreck the place, especially the younger and more villainous characters. but here set was a few that were more trusting: Kirby, Ness, Mario, and Pikachu

a few of the original 12 ever since 64

you sighed, wondering what or how they could have access to this place that was supposed to be as unnoticeable as a speck inside negative space

Pikachu looked at the others before jumping on your table, looking deeply at the graph, the others soon enough joining. You wondered their plan, until hours passed and they seemed to have helped you

you still found yourself independent, but they literally were part of the game, surely they'd know more taste than you when it came to fanservice

they assisted you with characters that had great skill and strategy. they're design and biology. they're popularity, and history with fans

you began to write down characters that would soon be in the next game, until, you stopped, this would be for the next generation of console, so, you wondered:

why not...everyone?

it was a big plate...

more than 40 characters? for 2 decades the existence of smash made a revolutionary impact on people forever since their childhoods to adulthood

everyone would be happy, and for the 5th addition of smash, why not let it be...

The ultimate smash bros game?

it was decided, Mario jumped up high with a "woo-hoo!" Ness and Kirby high-fiving, Pikachu crying a joyful "Pika!"

someone watched from outside the room, it gived out a type of nod as its fingers made a thumbs up

this certainly would be the ultimate game...

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