Nester/Child! Reader .:my little gamer boy:.

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"go left, go left!" the orange-haired boy screeched, pointing eagerly at the screen to expose the sneaky identity of an enemy

" I know, I know, Nester!" growled back the 12-year-old

"you're not doing it right, give it! I am a game master, after all, and your gameplay style is offending games as a whole!"

The young being took little interest in continuing the abuse of their friend's bickering, handing over the controller to their snippy demands. it was worthless, the small portion of uniterest the small person contained wasn't seen through the feelings of their taller partner. The little person ran off to their room where they notably slammed the door, flying to their bed with hot tears

their eyes had intentions of roaming around the room, seeing colorful posters and other consoles and handhelds across their table that held a tv and a bowl of water with a small orange clownfish inside, hiding in his small home; safe in his territory

interest already flooded the mind in an instant. still saddened, they shed their form off their bed, wanting an answer to a speck of happiness from the other being they related to for years

"N-Nemo.." began the hunched being, looking up

"I-It's his fault...sorry to look sad in front of you, but it's..." they hefted their body weight, standing straight

"that's my super Nintendo! I mean, he likes games but it really belongs to me. I decide if it's his turn, right, Nemo?"

the fish only stayed in his real estate of water and coral bits, a few bubbles out of his mouth

"exactly! he-" they sniffled, the wet streams of warm water drying from their cell wall of skin from their slightly pink cheeks. "hmph, I can't believe he thinks he can be that way, I don't understand why...but now I see why some people find him a complete jerk!"

knock knock

the little person zoomed to their bed, watching as their large door seeped open a little before a full swing showed their patient older brother with an upset look

"Hey little sis/bro, you okay? why aren't you playing with Nester? you said you wanted him over, after all, I mean-"

he sat beside you with a deep sigh as he looked straight "I didn't drive him all the way here for the night only for you two not to even talk to each other"

the smaller sibling heard his small laugh, but they, unfortunately, weren't one smiling, starting a statement of their own

"I know I know, but..." the little boy/girl didn't want to put blame on their friend, but confessed with half of the truth put in

"he, uh, he was playing the game and so I wanted to take a break to talk to Nemo!"


their brother only stared, a look expecting a truthful fact instead of an obvious lie

"___, that door is so strong it's hard to make a hearable slam even with those tiny stubs of yours" he pointed to their hands, them being the size of a sugar cookie

"don't make fun of them!" they took their hands away, pouting

"Yeah, whatever, ___. But, seriously, was he bothering you about how to play? that's usually the case, isn't it?"

" no..."

they looked away, wanting their fish to defend them

"aw, well, okay, but, C'mon, mom's gonna get pretty mad to hear doors slamming at what, 9 pm? now, I'll go talk to- who was it, Hester?"

"Nester, it's Nester" they corrected, upset at their older brother's false side of the name

"hm," he gave the small person hugging their pillow a small smile, knowing their personal connection to their dull friend

leaving their room to themselves, they waited for a while like they were a jumpy person waiting to hear the results from a doctor

hearing the door opened, the small person was all ears, their brother crossing his arms with a small sigh

"he said he was sorry, ___. can you come back, now?"

they lingered out of bed, looking to their goldfish for his silent side on the subject before tiptoeing towards the door in a worried light

"ugh, forget this, come here" in a sudden twist, their brother picked them up bridal-style, carrying them to the living room where Nester was located

"no! wait, I take it back, no! I-I can't, he-" the objecting being had their commands canceled as they were thrown to the couch, the oldest being in the room leaving

"have fun, you two. I'm going to bed."



the male visited the room for an instant

"and no more slamming doors!" he cried out, before leaving again


they both stared at each other before Nester got from the console's space, where you saw the screen was paused

the boy went over to the couch, sitting down in front of it as he looked into the person's eyes

" yours... and you did play pretty good, I guess." 

"mm.." hummed them, looking away

"sorry, ___."



their eyes met, both neutral in expression before automatically they both smiled in sync

'"you're a weenie, Nesty"

"what! no I'm not!"

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