Megaman/F!Robot! Reader .:Technical Listening:.

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You hummed as you spelled "WIP" on your draft paper. It was written with a quick hand as you swayed your black pen before taking a shot at a nearly empty cup. You lost a few pens from there, but at least your most useful ones remain.

Slumping over did you grumble unintentionally, sensing the static that echoed lightly throughout your dry throat. It softly requested water without words to make, but your mind executed the objective for it as you almost hit your stomach against the metal table just to reach your lukewarm E-tank.

Finally grabbing the item you were beginning to feel tasteless for, you took a sip, your sensitive hearing more alert after being aware of your tiny groan. But it was more curious on a small squeak that you were in proximity to where it was more audible than your own train of thought.

You stood silent, the grey wall with a picture of you and your acquaintance, Megaman staying in a "happy" embrace that fooled any individual who did not know the background behind the image. You knew that same acquaintance was behind you, holding an ajar door, prepping on speaking, but uncertain. You sensed he had to be. Looking up as in another vague thought you believed he was looking at the same thing did you sigh; you were ordered by your creator: Dr.Lavender, to be alongside Megaman for the public. You both, at that time, bitterly mushed any interaction, only staying close to your creators. But when your creator would frequently collaborate with Dr.Light, you were sentenced to remain with Megaman like two unwanted children as the big adults had their adult talk.

You both mainly were ordered to focus on projects that you worked on, feeling violated of your own space as you used it for yourself alone.

This, was your room, and you forced Megaman out many times, telling him to only show up for emergencies. You breathed in as your chest rose, turning around in your chair as Megaman revealed more of himself, more confident.

"What. What is it"

There would be no other reason for Megaman to be in your and your creator's place of residence if it was not for Dr.Light visiting.

Today, though, there was no collaboration.

About a week earlier your creator granted Dr.Light the permission to be in his home no matter your protests.

That was the last from Dr.Lavender.

In the past did you not care if Mega was in your room, but wished him out after what he had done.


He did not speak, his eyes asking the floor for answers.

"I said what is it, Rock!? Dammit!"

You screamed, your vicious paw of flames slamming against your work desk as papers innocently flew, only creating a more wrathful scene of power.

He choked, his color draining from his metal heart, clinching the doorknob. He did not cower, but lifted himself to answer.

"Light, he wants to talk to-"

"For what"

Gulping, he continued, his voice lower as he fully showed his figure to you.

"To talk about...your dad"

You froze with an intense dissatisfaction. You never, EVER found this blue, small robot as an individual worth of exposing personal things to. And calling your creator that...a father, one you could never break the bond against was something only he was meant to hear.

But you held it in, finding the context of the uncertain and mildly troubled robot's delivery more important.

But that did not excuse any comments you would make about his master.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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