-confess pt. 1-

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-set pre-klaine! lets say that blaine already transferred to McKinley

"Glee meeting!" Santana yelled at the choir room, locking the doors.

"Blaine and Kurt aren't here yet!" Finn argued, then looking at the ceiling as Santana gave him a death glare.

"Yes, well I imagine that they're busy reading Vogue while frantically jerking off each others baloney ponies."

"Santana!" The entire room yelled in unison. Finn covered his face with his hands.

Santana rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"We have a problem." She started.

"Is it that you have an unnecessary urge to poke and prod into other people's business?" Rachel smirked.

Santana narrowed her eyes. "Shut it, Hobbit."
Rachel sank back into her chair.

"Our problem is that Purse Puppy and Porcelain are madly in love with each other, but refuse to admit it." Santana said pointedly.

"Why is that our problem, exactly?" Asked Mercedes, earning another glare from Santana.

"I love love, okay?" Santana muttered, looking at her nails.

"What was that?"

"I love the idea that there are two people destined to be together! Two people that make each other happy and that love each other unconditionally!" Santana cried.

"Like us, San?" Asked Brittany, standing up and leaning her head on Santana's shoulder.
"Yes, just like us, Britt." Santana smiled, booping Brittany's nose.

The entire Glee club melted at Santana's rare burst of lovey-dovey emotions.

"I know it doesn't seem like it, but I actually care about Kurt. Us gays gotta look out for each other! And he can't be happy unless he's in the arms of the other gay one."

The Glee club looked at Santana, then each other, then out the door before agreeing with an, "'kay!"

Santana clapped her hands. "Game plan, bitches!" She yelled, ushering forward Rachel and Sam.

"Hobbit! Your job is to get Kurt to confess! Here's a voice recorder. Tape it to your underboob. Trouty Mouth! You get Blaine to confess. I don't know, tape it to your junk or something." Santana ordered as she threw two small objects at the pair.

They nodded slowly and left to find the two boys.


"Boy talk time!" Rachel squealed, practically pouncing on Kurt.

"But we haven't done our 12 step Korean skincare routine yet!" Kurt whined, pushing the tiny girl off of him.

"Skincare can wait!" Rachel responded in an equally whiny tone.

Kurt gasped. "How dare you. But I suppose we can bump up skincare to the second last activity before bedtime."

Rachel clapped her hands. She grabbed a pillow and squeezed it to her chest, Kurt doing the same.
"So, any news on dream boy Blaine?" Rachel asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
Kurt sighed. "No, sadly Blaine hasn't caught on to my many attempts at flirting."

"What 'flirting'?" Rachel asked, scooting forward so that whatever Kurt said, the recorder would catch it.

"I started wearing tighter pants, Rachel! Tighter! I just-Stop laughing at me!" Kurt slapped Rachel's arm as she smirked at him.

Kurt sighed and continued. "I just-I like him so much! Hell, I might even love him but nothing's ever gonna happen between us."

Rachel's expression softened.

"He makes me feel like all that shit I went through with Karofsky, that it was all worth it to get to where I am now. He makes my stomach all fluttery, and my cheeks flush even more than normal, and he-he just makes me so happy, Rach!"

Rachel smiled and hugged Kurt. "Trust me, something will happen soon."

Kurt pulled away. "What? Rachel! What do you-"

Rachel shushed Kurt. "Let's go do our skincare routine!"

Kurt sighed and followed Rachel to the bathroom.

•to be continued!•

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