Part 1:

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"so Coral do you actually think that our dear sweet little sister Judith is like probably just gaining weight while on the other hand i may believe that she could possibly be preggo????????" i asked my brother suddenly out of the blue "wait for a minute if your correct and i'm wrong------then so be it, cause i had never asked to have become your enemy in the first place------ever since the day that you came to this mansion because the so-called people here had insisted on forcing you to do this and if you didn't then they probably would've had to kill us.......except for you along with Judy.......and like made you one of them as well!!!!!" he said to me "Oh so now you don't really mind too much that i am calling you a sea weed name......well then i'm the one that's never wrong because i am the only girl who knows about everything......while your the boy who only knows about being an idiot and had been born a loser and jerk, a little whiney baby also a spoiled brat and is the middle child in a family like this as well!!!!!!!!" i told him very sarcastically and full of venom and hate. "and now i am totally like freaking stuck living with an older sister who happens to always bully me all day long and every night and calls me bad names, and now has decided that she wants her very own brother killed ever since moving in with her since Atlanta, and still pretty much hates me more then ever.....well that's great, so just get it over & done with why don't you!!!!!!!!" Carl said back to me. which he didn't exactly know was a death wish that he finally wanted to accept. well that's a big mistake Carl!!!!! "okay fine then i will gladly accept your offer, just go and meet me in the middle of the f***ing woods at i could end your miserable and oh-so whatever life there and now for good------you little annoying idiotic jerk of a that i'll never have to see your freaking ugly face again!!!!!!!!" i growled while twirling my dagger around in boredom: *time-skip to midnight:* and before i go into the woods i'm only gonna have to do just one thing first.....change back into my human form of course.....cause that's whatever i do when i am going on a spree, "hello there we meet again brother dear......well too bad that your not gonna be here anymore......but mother and father doesn't have to know about why you aren't even here with us anymore!!!!!!!!" i replied as i took my weapon out, and carelessly held it against my brother's throat as hard as i could & hearing my poor brother gag and choke from the dagger. while deciding to either slit it or let him live; "ah i don't think that he should live any that just won't do it at all! i should just do it already for goodness sakes.......and let the others know about what i've done soon!!!!!!" i said to myself and nodded in response at the option which was------TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!! "sorry about this brother, but i had chose not to let you go cause this is exactly what i've been wanting for my new family and myself......i know this isn't what you would've wanted either for me and Judith or even my kids......but you've never chosen to do the easy ways when you were told to by your own sisters, our hybrid friends and the others too & also including your pregnant girlfriend and had not stayed outta our ways or either my life only ever since the day that you and me moved here weeks apart from home, or when i had my son and then my sweet little baby girl------also what's worse is you didn't wanna get along with Roxy's older bro just before her birth!!!!!!!!" i told Carl. then i placed spider venom on my dagger. (since it's a bit more stronger then snake venom.....and which is best kind of venom to be used in poisoning my weapons last of all!) and then dragged it across his throat and waited for the venom to kick in first before i stole the hat which father gave to my brother. then i sheathed my golden dagger after cleaning it up in a small river that i just happened to stop by and headed back for the mansion. *10 hours later.....back in the mansion!* "morning big sissy, wait a minute where is Carl???????" Judy said but in question as she came downstairs after having rubbed her eyes: "umm sorry but last night a wild animal was in the woods while he went on a walk there.....and i didn't make it on time and it was already too late for him!!!!!" i lied to her then to my surprise she had believed it. "but look here Judy.....i got his hat before he was torn apart by the animal.....he told me to keep it safe and to never lose it!!!!!!" i told her while lying again: "which animal did this anyway?!?!" she asked me "The Rake did it i saw him!!!!!!!!" i said to her while knowing that she fears The Rake way more then she hates him, then i heard my little sister gasp and started crying; "Ssssshhh please don't cry's okay now.....i'm here for you!" i told my sister while picking her up and placed her on my lap then started comforting her until she finally stopped crying in 4 hours: 'why on earth did you do that to Shady's host anyways?!?!?!' Evans asked me "Oh my freaking gosh Eva------do you not remember everything that my idiot brother did to me before and after moving out of Atlanta with me and Judy way back then????????" i said back. but in question while almost getting irritated. and looking back at the darn flash-backs; "oh riiiight i nearly had forgot about it-----i am so so sorry about that!!!!!" she told me "Well then maybe you should have, because i already did forget!!!!!!!" i snarled bitterly underneath my breath: "How could you forget about that so easily anyways?!?!?!" Vitani asked me very nervously. "Be-because i don't want poor Judy to know that it was me who did it to i just had to lie for my own good then i've told her it was somebody else who killed our bro........cause now i have a totally bad feeling that she's going to hate me if i tell her the truth!!!!!!!!!" i replied to her.

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