Part 15:

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I cannot take this anymore-----i need to make my parents come here somehow-----like right now because i don't just miss them, but also cause i really really need them here with me so desperately; and mainly if i do not see them here sooner or later then i'm just gonna be going deeper with my certain side which may kick in yet again soon enough for the second time. (And yeah i am definitely going hysterically insane right now......also i probably won't be able to control it which still absolutely has never happened for so so long......) now all of my disorders are getting much worse then ever, & so is Eva too as well *but i swear on my life that it wasn't my fault for doing that to was from somebody else who i'd rather not 'mention' if none-the-less that'll help my point be reasonable. but anyways if not, then i would rather have to say "screw off dummy!!!!!" to you cause it's definitely necessary!!!!!!!!!* "i j-just can't do this anymore------i need my parents here right now------please cause i have to make this STOP by a certain level type of limit....otherwise it'll only get much worse by the minute and a side of mine would have to kick in yet again but it will be much much different & mainly even worse then THIS damned scar on my right arm....i swear to you!!!!!!!!" i said while nearly starting to cry with my tone cracking & almost breaking down as well. and my breathing was getting very hallow and soft & even more so hysterically fast. "Hey calm down for a little while....i'll try send word to your parents for you....because there is absolutely nothing that i cannot do for my own favorite host i swear to you!!!!!!!" Evans told me (a few hours later;) "hey who are these humans....why on earth are they here? & who invited them here?!?!?!" EJ asked while trying to unsheathe his damn scalpel. "watch yourself cannibal freak.....they are Steph, Judy & Carl's parents and their here because i made them do it for my favorite host!!!!!!" Evan said back while pointing at each of us and herself after that. "hi there Mr. & Mrs.'s good to see you guys again....." my boyfriend replied as he waved at them in a very polite way "hello there to you as well, Liu!!!!!!!" my dad said "hello to you too, my dear!!!!!!!" my mom told him after they did the same thing back to him "wait a minute you know them? but how?!?!" Jack said but in question: "well it's quite a great story, but anyways i guess that i could tell you about it!!!!!!!" he told EJ. (time-skip to when the story of how my boyfriend met my parents ended;) "oh well that's cool, i am quite terribly sorry for almost murdering your girlfriend's was gonna be a huge mistake on my part if it did happen!!!!!!!!" he said to my boyfriend nervously and put away his scalpel "that's fine Jack.....but just remember that next time, if her parents come over to see my girlfriend!!!!!!" he told Jack "hi mother and father, it's good to see you here at last....i missed you guys and i needed you both with me desperately....i am going hysterically insane whenever i think about never seeing or visiting you guys in Atlanta ever again, and even worse still it breaks my heart and makes me wanna cry so hard until i cannot take it easy no more!!!!!!!" i replied while hugging my parents tightly and sniffled like i was going to cry soon:

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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