Part 8:

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"h-hey there Coral are you in there somewhere.....can you hear me or not??????" i asked quietly 'yeah of course i can hear ya.....i ain't freaking deaf you know that okay?!?!' he said to me but in question and i apparently just heard a yawn coming from him & stretching. *ewww i also heard his bones cracking when that happened.....i think i'm gonna just go and throw up now, i'll be right back when this ends.....I PROMISE YOU okay bye!!!!!!* "Oh wow i never knew that zombies can get so tired------that's quite weird if you know what i mean!!!!!" i told him as i giggled. 'whatever you's very funny sissy how your still bothering me like you did a long time ago like way back then......but i am totally dead right now and this isn't what i would've had expected!!!!!!' he said "and i am still thinking about either telling our little sis that it was me who killed you or keep it a secret for a little while longer.....because i'm still kinda upset from that incident last night.....but i-i just can't get the feeling out of my head no matter how hard i try!!!!!!" i said and sniffed: 'Hey like i said before it's not your fault....and i mean it....and maybe i should have stopped being annoying to you when i was supposed to------it was a pretty stupid thing too!!!!!' he told me but i still ended up crying anyway: *and yeah for the fourth time today i think-------cause i still cannot get the incident from last night out of my head-------and because it's much harder then i thought it would be!!!!!!!!* "THIS IS YOUR DARN FAULT THAT I HAVE KILLED MY VERY OWN BROTHER EVA, IT WAS YOU WHO MADE ME DO THIS......I WISH THAT YOU HAD NEVER BECAME MY HYBRID IN THE FIRST PLACE......I HATE YOU NOW FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!" i shrieked like a banshee at Evans & taking my dagger out of it's place. while making the whole world shake and scared the living crap out of everybody. (except for my kids though cause they think it's quite hilarious when the others get scared half way or more to death by me when i'm more then angry........good riddance for all of them!!!!!!) 'Hey sissy please calm down------i know that even if it actually was gonna be your fault then i still won't blame you for doing this & everything else that happened way back when i was exactly still a normal person------before that one incident which caused my death in the woods last night ever since, and i've finally noticed that it wasn't meant to be on purpose that you actually wanted to just have taught me a lesson for making you angry from last yesterday night!!!!!!!' my brother explained "Oh wow look at that, now that actually makes me feel so much better already then i have never been in my entire life-------thanks a whole lot for that brother dear!!!!!!!!" i replied back sarcastically and with stinging icy venom in my tone of voice without any care in the world. 'your welcome sister dearest....and i know that you still do love me cause your icy sarcasm doesn't bother me as much anymore....or none of those other mean tones & perhaps you know it!!!!!!' Carl told me "whatever....screw that bull-crap i wish that i never had a caring or loving side for a brother like you, nuh-uh i definitely still hate that kinda feeling now!!!!!!!" i replied back

Who The Hell Are You To Annoy Me? *Related To Cmtwd And Light & Dark.*Where stories live. Discover now