Sick Day

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This imagine idea is brought to you by whydontwefanfics!!!! Love why don't we by the way they're my boys I can't believe Jonah is 20!!! Wow time flys.

Alexis p.o.v.

I woke up next to a really really warm Peyton and instantly got worried for him. Is he okay? Is he Sick? If he is then he shouldn't go to work today.

"Peyton are you okay?" I questioned. No reply. I poke him on his unclothed chest and he doesn't budge. He's sound asleep That's really weird because he should be up if he's gonna make it to set on time.

"PAYTON WAKE UP!!!" I shout while shaking him awake.

"Hmmm?" Peyton's hummed opening his eyes a little.

"Babe it's 10:15 you have to be on set by 12:00 you need to get up." I say noticing how his hair is stuck to his forehead from sweat.

"Mmm thank you Alexis for waking me." Peyton said sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Are you okay Payton? you look rough, and you feel warm." I comment felling his forehead with my hand.

"I feel fine, I'm just tired and I was kinda hot under the covers last night so that's probably why I feel warm." He explained while getting up and picking clothes out.

"You sure you're okay? Cause I can call off and I can make you call off as well."

"I feel fine okay, I promise. If I didn't I'd let you take care of me cause there's nothing more in the world that I want to do than spend the day with you." Peyton reassured kissing my forehead and giving me a smile.

"Okay, go get ready I'll make you breakfast"

"Okay, Love you Alexis."

"I love you too Peyton." I said as I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen starting to prepare for breakfast. Somthings up with him. I'm not buying his bullshit.

Peyton's P.O.V.

I feel like complete shit. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm cold as hell but I'm sweating like crazy, my vision is like blurry, I feel super weak right now and not to mention I feel really nauseous. I can't let Alexis know that though cause she'll make me call off work and I need to be there for my castmates.

I shut the bedroom door and the bathroom door before lifting up the the toilet lid and puking my guts out. After I'm done with that I get in the shower and do all my other hygiene stuff before looking in the mirror one last time. Jesus I look like Death. I put the clothes that I picked out on and just as I was about to walk out of the bedroom door I felt the erge to puke again. I ran to the bathroom and puked up everything but my soul to the point were there was nothing actually comming out anymore because I hadn't eaten anything. After I recovered I brushed my teeth again and walked downstairs to a plate of waffles, eggs, and fruit alongside a cup of orange juice. Maybe if I eat I'll feel better.

"Are you sure you're okay you look like Death?" Alexis questioned as I sat down across from her at the table.

"I'm fine." I say starting to gobble up my food. Sad part about that is I could barley taste the food it's like my taste buds called off for the day. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Okay I have to go have a nice day babe."I said before giving Alexis a kiss and walking towards the door. When I got to the door I felt nauseous again. No not now.

Body:Yup right now. You better run.

I run to the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet before throwing up everything I just ate and then some.

"Peyton? Are you okay?" Alexis asked knocking on the door.

"No, I'm not okay at all. I feel horrible." I admit as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Awww baby." Alexis coos as she opens the door and kneels next to me.
"What's wrong?" She asked giving me medicine.

"My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm nauseous as hell, I'm so cold but I'm sweating so much which is so weird, I can't taste anything like that food I just ate, I couldn't taste it. I feel like death." I confessed as more tears ran down my face because of the pain."

"Baby why didn't you just tell me you felt so bad?" Alexis asked after helping me to the couch and wrapping me in a electrical heated blanket.

"Because I didn't want to worry you and I didn't want to be a burden for anyone on set." I explain wrapping the blanket tighter around my body cause even this wasn't enough warmth. I feel like I need to be set on fire I'm so cold right now.

"A sick Peyton on set is worse than no Peyton on set, and it's my job to worry about you, you're my boyfriend and I love you." Alexis said while taking my tempeture. "103° Peyton you're staying home. I'm going to call off and I'm going to call your set and tell them you won't be coming in and after that I'm going to get you another blanket cause you still look cold, I'll make you some soup too, and we can cuddle and watch your favorite shows and movies until your better. How does that sound?"

"I should get sick every week." I chucked but then start to cough like hell. "What if I get you sick?"

"Then we'll both be sick and we can take care of each other... or we can just call my mom to take care of us. I'll be fine."

"Okay well I'll fire up Netflix while you do all of that stuff you said you're gonna do." I said grabbing the remote from the side table.

"Okay." She smiled and kissed my temple before getting up and starting on her to-do list.

By time Alexis got back with everything I was sound asleep, with the tv on, in a ball on the couch.

Alexis P.O.V.

I smiled at how peaceful and calm Peyton looked as he slept. I wrapped the cover around his body and kissed his forehead before going to the kitchen and putting his soup on low on the stove to keep it warm. I went back into the living room and snuggled next to Peyton on the couch trying to keep him warm.

Third-person omniscient

Alexis and Peyton stayed on the couch and watched movies all day as Alexis was determined to get him to feel better. They watched movies, slept and ate all day, and by the next day Peyton Felt a lot better. Not fully recovered but capable of going to work. Alexis on the other hand had caught whatever Peyton had and now was the one who needed to be taken care of.

Sooo whydontwefanfics who's your favorite why don't we boy Zach, Jack, Daniel, Jonah, or Corbyn? Mine is either Zach, or Daniel😍😍😍. Anyways I hope you like this imagine sorry it took so long to update I had to rewrite everything so many times because I'm stupid. Lol anyways yeah.

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