Pink Skies 9

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"Jack?," Sam asked, "Jack?!," he called out more urgently as they got out of the car. They had finally got Jack inside of the hospital and now he was in trouble.

"Slow down, " Rania called out going after them.

"Stay in the car," Dean demanded, "we got this," he said going inside, as Sam lead the way. Dean followed Sam, their guns drawn as they entered the hospital. Jack had went in, pretending to bw a new Doctor and sadly, he was caught. They were on the tenth for, where he said he'd be before he was cut off. The hallways were slightly empty as they behaved calmly, until they reached the stairs. They ran up, two at a time, trying to reach Jack before anything serious happened to him. The halls were bare, as machines went off in some rooms, beeping softly or disconnected. A faint sound of a television was playing in and out in the distance.

Sam nudged Dean, as they saw bloodied foot prints of someone who was bare foot. Next to them were bloody streaks as if they dragged someone with them. Coming to the door they peeked in to see Jack unconscious tied to the bed by his arms. Sam went to untie him as Dean watched the door. Once he had Jack he picked him up ready to leave, yet stopped at what he saw. It was a skeletal figure, coming down the side of the wall, it had a few patches of hair, its skin was rotten and fell off in a few places. It had dark sunken in eyes that looked at Sam, as its long tongue came out showing its razor sharp teeth.

"Uh.. Dean, " Sam said stepping back slightly seeing the creature.

"Hurry up Sammy, " Dean snapped, "how tight is he tied?," Dean asked turning around he followed Sam's eyes to the creature.

"Run, " Dean said as he shot the creature, it dodged easily as they ran out of the hospital room. As they barged out of the doors, they saw Rania coming through them, looking rather calm.

"Go!," Dean yelled grabbing her by her wrist as they ran down the stairs.

"What are we running from?," she asked as the doors they came thru flew off the hinges she saw the creature.

"That, " Dean said as the monster jumped over their heads, he stopped holding her behind him as he pointed his gun at it. Its long tongue wrapped around the barrel of the gun throughing it down the stairs.

"Hello, I'm Ra-," she began yet its tongue wrapped around her neck choking her. It slammed her body into the wall twice, before letting her fall to the stairs.

"Rania!," Sam and Deam yelled as she was on the lower fleight, blood was beginning to decorate the pink color of her hair as Dean lunged at the creature head on.


Rania was in a dark black brick room,her pink eyes glowed brightly as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she realized she was bloody and naked. Rania could see her blood decorate the snow beneath her. Her pink hair pooled around her as she held her knees to her chest, opening the wounds on her back. Hearing the sound of snow crunching in the distance she looked as a naked figure approached her. The woman had dark cinnamon skin, her eyes glowed a dark maroon as her dark hair flowed about her also hiding her face. Her slim finger pointed into the distance where she saw Jack on his knees as if he was praying.

"God, I know I'm not worthy to ask for help, " he began. "My dad is Lucifer and He goes against you, but God in different, " he prayed licking his dry lips in nervousness. "I need you to send someone, " he prayed thinking of his birth, his dad, Dean getting taken over, Mary fearing their safety and Sam trying to keep them all together.

"Dear God, send someone or something for protection and love, and can you give a sign to me that it's from you?," he asked, "Let it bare your mark so I know that it's you, " he prayed. As she then saw her body form from the black liquid, standing next to her was Sam and Dean.

"Ours, " the woman next to her said.

"We we're called by Jack?," Rania asked as the figure nodded, she walked on her haunches and touched Dean and Sam on their faces softly. Seeing maroon rose tattoos on the woman, she walked towards her. As she looked at the detail on the woman she noticed the rose petals spelt out Sauvegarde, in soft dedicate cursive lettets from her left shoulder to her right hip.

"Sauvegarde," Rania whispered as the woman faced her, the words glowed a bright maroon, she realized it was her,only with darker features.

"Charmant," the woman whispered back as she felt warmth on her back, through her blood, from her right shoulder to her left hip, the words glowed a bright pink.

"We are one, you are love," she spoke to herself .

"You are protection, " Rania said as she watched her other form.

"We are both needed to do this, just touch me, please," her other form told her as they reached for each other their hands touched as they became one and her memories began to fill her mind.

"We will save them, " she said as her voice filled her mind in deep soothing echos. Rania would love and protect Sam and Dean, she decided that she'd be a great friend to them, always, it was her calling.


Rania sat up, her head pounded as she thought of her alter ego, Savegarde, she saw her hair bleed a deep maroon as her eyes saw Dean getting beat up by the Baykok. Its been many years since she saw one, but she remembered its weak points. Stretching out her arms, a luminescent crystal staff appeared, as she grabbed it ,she aimed at the juncture of the neck and shoulder. Making sure she was clear of Dean she threw it,hitting her mark it was pinned to the wall before it dispersed into small particals of dust, the staff then disappeared as she held her throbbing head Dean looked at her surprised.

"I know, no powers, " she slurred as she stood trying to get to them, her legs gave way underneath her as her vision went black.


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The pic is of her alter ego

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