extended summary

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" i keep myself busy, with things to do, but everytime i pause, i think of you "


juniper harvey, a junior in high school, has faced more loss and tragedy than some people face in a lifetime. between losing both parents, an alcoholic older brother, and her own mind practically setting itself on fire, she hasn't felt 'okay' in what feels like forever. june doesn't have friends, a personal choice, as she calls it, but instead fills her time up with certain encounters. these encounters have branded her as the school whore, but no one will actually say it to her face. what makes her different from the rest of those stereotypical, regina george-esqe girls who often parade around with the same title, is that june doesn't exactly enjoy her 'work.' instead, she searches for something she lost years ago, in the bedrooms of the same people who spread rumors behind her back, and whisper crude remarks about her in the hallways. 

what june doesn't realize, is that she isn't ready to find what she's looking for. but when a certain star baseball player / resident delinquent comes, quite literally, punching his way into her life, what she comes to learn is that she's been looking in the wrong places all along.

samuel bridgeman, a senior in highschool, is more than just the 'bad boy' who happens to know his way down every girl's pants. between the loss of his dad, a mentally ill mom, and practically having to raise his little twin sisters, sam hasn't felt peace of mind in years. thankfully, he has his friends to hold him up, and his passion for baseball means he should have big things ahead for his future. however,  what he doesn't realize is the slow-growing addictions to getting black-out drunk on the weekends, and smoking. he's slowly building up walls, ones not even his friends can knock down, and soon enough he finds himself lost in a maze of beer bottles and cigarettes packs.

amidst all the chaos, sam comes along what he considers his female counterpart, at least in sex partner counts. and while she's, quite literally, punching her way far, far away from him, he can't help but wonder just exactly what the scar-faced girl's secrets are. and he decides, he's going to find out.


and here is the extended summary! some things to note-

1. i am in no way a professional writer, so mistakes will be made, and i can only hope to get better chapter by chapter

2. this book is told from both the viewpoints of both juniper harvey, and samuel bridgeman

3. every chapter will begin with a quote, and the corresponding viewpoint of whoever's chapter it is

4. i can't promise perfect characters, chapters, or grammar, but what i can promise is that i am going to be putting my heart and soul into this book, and i can only hope that will show

thank you for deciding to read drowning! let me know any thoughts, constructive criticism, or even ideas you have! i am looking forward to continue writing this book, and hopefully you will enjoy reading it.

i hope you're having an amazing morning, day, or night, wherever you are in the world, and remember to stay safe.

xx - jess

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