Sheltering Together

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I ache to matter,

cherished, needed,

a source of joy,

fountain of sweet laughter,

mine the hand you reach for,

a creature you take comfort in,

the embrace you seek when moved 

by love, passion, and desire.

I imagine myself your queen,

our royalty and ever-burgeoning loyalty,

sturdy limbs of a deep-rooted tree,

drawing nourishment from all that is: Here,

sheltering together from inclement weather;

now, tossing ardent gifts, our bright autumn leaves

into a gossamer, star-strewn sphere.

Lover idealized,

dear friend, heart's twin,

how shall I endure?

No longer mine the hand you reach for,

no longer this a creature that comforts,

nor the embrace you seek when moved within.

Adieu love's passion and desire,

our majestic oak forsaken.

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