Dark Tower

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Intent on intricacies of pattern

And underlying form,

We scour the path for clues.

A scuffed, marble outcrop,

Pitted with crystalline hollows,

Offers a rough gem or two.

Shining examples

We pocket along the way,

Focused on  minutiae,

Weave and meander,

Oblivious to roiling

Storm cloud brew.

Sudden flash cracks

The ground around us,

Shatters our dreamy trance.

We bolt, helter-skelter,

Devilled by zapping jolts.

Run for cover, our only chance.

Abandoned tower leans

Against a falling sky. I shelter,

Quivering, under an eave.

Toward the horizon, you flee,

Silhouette etched on a pale seam,

As brilliant shafts strike.

Mad seamstress stitches

Below from above, between

The dark and darkening.

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