Training Begins

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    After leaving Master Richard's office Mia could barely comprehend her emotions. She was walking behind her master, completely nude except for the plug and her shoes. Both men assured her that clothing was something she no longer needed within the club walls. This still couldn't help calm the nerves she felt pouring through her as she walked through the club, utterly exposed.
         When they made their way out from the hallway containing Master Richard's office they entered a huge room. She could see below them that the club was surprisingly busy for being the middle of the day.
       Various men and women were obvious in their dominance, dressed in the same dark revealing clothes that Master Lucas was in in front of her. At their feet or on their laps were their submissives, scantily dressed in lingerie or leather strips or completely naked as she was. What shocked her was how comfortable they all looked in their positions, content to rest obediently at the feet of their superiors.
       "This is the main floor," Master Leo told her, looking back at her, "At night, it's where play happens, shows and scenes for people to show off their slaves." He turned to smirk at her, "You'll have your time on that stage soon enough."
       Mia gulped, nodding lightly at his statement. The room she was in was so huge, equipment pushed to the side or left in the middle, looking strange in the harsh lights. Up front was the huge stage, empty now but the many lights hanging above it allowed her to know that she would be seen, anywhere in the club when she was on it. Could this entire room really fill up with people?
       "Leo!" A shrill female voice called out to Mia's Master as they passed another hallway. She walked out of the room closest to them, a small girl crawling on the floor next to her. She was wearing a ball gag in her mouth, a leash around her neck, the end in her mistress's hand. Mia's eyes went wide as she noticed the desperate look in the small girl's eyes.
      "Good afternoon, Ever," Leo said, smirking at the pair in front of him. He knew from earlier conversations that her slave, Olivia, was having problems behaving. This explained the tortured state she appeared to be in at his feet. He could faintly hear vibrations of something echoing up to them. He looked down at the slave taking her in. "I see someone got into trouble." 
      "Unfortunately," Ever stated, looking down at her submissive disapprovingly. "She's enjoying her punishment though. Why don't you show Master Leo your sloppy cunt, slut? Present."
       Mia watched as the girl stood to her feet before bending at the waist. She put her hands at her ankles, spreading her legs wide to reveal the torture occurring between her legs. The plug nestled into her ass was larger than Mia's by a margin, a deep blue gem covering the top. Then below this was a huge dildo, the source of the vibrations, held in place by bondage tape. The girls pussy was dripping wet and bright red, clearly having been toyed with for a while. She looked to be so stretched that Mia shivered.
      Leo lifted his hand, gently tracing the girls engorged clit with his finger, making her shiver. "Is she in chastity?" He questioned.
        "Yes," the mistress answered, bringing her hand up to fondle the plug in her slaves ass. This appeared to be a common occurrence in the club, something done almost in an absent minded fashion. "Richard placed her in it last night. We are off to perform for him now to see if she's worthy of her orgasm. Isn't that right, little slut?"
       The girl nodded, mumbling a reply through her gag as the mistress continued to torment her. Mia saw her squeeze her eyes shut, fighting the sensations she knew had to be attacking her.
      "And who's this pretty thing?" The mistress asked, turning to Mia after telling her slave to kneel once again. The new submissive's eyes widened as she watched the mistress look her up and down.
        "This is my new submissive," Leo said, bringing his hand to Mia's throat again and guiding her in front of him. "Kneel, little one."
       She followed the command, kneeling as she was instructed to before Leo continued, "She's brand new, completely untrained."
       "You always did love a challenge,"
Ever said, smirking at Leo. "May I?" She turned to Mia, taking in the worried look of the girl before her.
      "Of course," Leo gestures down to her, excited to take in Mia's reaction to his friend, a ruthless dominant within the club. 
       "Stand up, slut," she commanded Mia, leaving her no choice but to follow. She gasped as Ever slapped at her inner thighs, "And spread those legs for me! I want to sample this pretty pussy I'm seeing. Slaves don't close their legs, do they?"
       "No ma'am," Mia gasped as the mistress wasted no time, reaching between her legs to fondle Mia's pussy. Her nails felt odd, tickling her sensitive skin as she teased her. She gasped as two fingers entered her roughly.
      "She's tight, you lucky bastard," Ever teased, still enjoying the new girl in front of her. She withdrew her hand enjoying the gasp that resulted and moved to her breasts. Mia's nipples were pinched roughly as they were before, but then drawn forward away from her chest, making Mia lean forward. This caused Ever to grab her chin roughly, "Pretty, but so much to learn."
       "Yes," Leo agreed, watching as Mia wiggled as her breasts were fondled. This simply wouldn't do; slaves were expected to stand still while being used, simply taking what they were given. He would enjoy teaching her this skill. "If we could be on our way. I wouldn't want you to be late for Richard."
        Ever let go of Mia's nipples, watching as the breasts bounced in response. She really did like this new girl. "Yes, yes I know. But please. Bring her to see me once she knows the ropes. I would so love to use her."
      Taking in the still quivering girl below them, Mia wasn't sure about how this would go. But what made this thought even more prominent was her masters response.
      "Well, you'll have to allow me to build her before you break her, Ev." Leo placed his hand against Mia's back, guiding her away from the pair and into a room across from them.    
       The door had "Leo" engraved into the top in golden script, making clear this room belonged to him. In the center was a huge bed, a Saint Andrews cross at the front. The back wall was covered in an array of cuffs and hooks and then to left was a collection of implements, barely visible in the dim light. Across from the bed was an open floor, then a large leather spanking table and a couch.
       "Here," Leo tossed a piece of silk fabric towards her which Mia caught. "You may cover yourself and sit on the sofa. I'd like to talk before we begin."
       Mia obeyed, tying the robe around her and moving over to sit. She winced as this made the plug in her ass press into her.
       "You may speak freely now, but as always please continue to address me properly," Leo told her, sitting in a chair he pulled up to position in front of her. "You must have a thousand questions."
       "Yes sir," Mia replied, taking in the beautiful man before her. The one who would do so many sinful things to her in her time here. "I'm... worried."
     "Worried how?" Leo pressed, "Every time you answer me I expect specificity; in conversation and in our training. So tell me, what worries you?"
       "I'm worried about the basic things," she told him, continuing, "I've wanted this for so long but the pain scares me. And the idea of having so many rules to follow, not being able to do anything but follow them, seems like... a lot."
       Leo leaned forward, taking her in. These were the natural worries of a new submissive as she noticed what she was getting into. He knew that seeing Olivia's tortured state also hadn't helped her.
      "I do not wish to harm you, Mia. No one within this club wants to harm you in any way that could endanger you; mentally or physically," he started, holding her gaze. "There will be pain. But I've watched your reactions thus far - you enjoy elements of pain. It excites you and that trait will do you well here as we begin your journey as a slave within this club."
       Mia knew he was right; she couldn't deny that the pain from a sharp pull on her nipple or a pinch to her clit did excite her. Even the spankings Richard gave her over his desk had felt good to an extent. The burn from the sting was delicious as it melted into her ass cheek.
      "We also have safe words for a reason," he explained, "I never want you to feel afraid of using them. I will never think less of you for being honest with me. Should something become too overwhelming and you need me to lighten up you will say 'mercy.' Repeat that for me."
      "Mercy," she repeated, feeling the strange word on her tongue.
     "Good," he praised. "And then should you need to stop the scene for any reason you will say 'lemon.' This is true for the entire club."
      "Lemon...?" Mia repeated, the question obvious in her tone. The word was so out of place.
       He smiled, "Its intentionally random. The word would never be used in usual conversation which makes it stick out when it is used. It's quite effective. You'll remember these, they're very important."
       "Yes, sir. I've got it." She nodded, committing both the safe words to memory. She hoped she wouldn't need to use them.
     "As for the rules," Leo grew even more serious, causing her to straighten up from her relaxed pose. "Following them should bring you joy, if only because it will please me and bring the rest of the dominants in this club enormous joy in return. I want you to want to obey me, to yield to me. Do you want that as well?"
      Mia swallowed, dropping her gaze to her hands in her lap. She felt it within herself at his words- the need to please the man in front of her. Following his command, even just for the short time she was doing so, fulfilled something in her. To just give herself over to him without thinking of her fears or her vulnerability to, just follow him without worry. It was a freeing experience already.
      "I do want that sir," she answered him, resuming their eye contact. "I want that very much. So far it's been... fulfilling."
      "That's what I want to hear," he smiled at her, genuinely, which made her heart flutter. "Now, come kneel at my feet. I'd like to give you a run down of our training routine."
        Mia stood and walked over to her master, her bare feet padding along the floor. Once she was between his open legs she sunk down to her knees, tilting her head up to look at him. He smiled down at her, bringing his hands up to stroke through her hair.
      "This is where you belong," he told her gently, stroking her face and moving along her collar bone. He untied her robe, allowing it to fall off her shoulders. "I want to make you realize this, to feel it down to your very being. Our day will reflect this as we move through the training regimen Master Richard created.  I will mold you into a perfect slave, one who accepts and even craves to be used by her master."
      As he was speaking he was caressing her newly exposed skin, making her shiver in anticipation. Even though she had absorbed many touches like this that day his hands moving over her bare skin excited her. She couldn't help it.
     "Each day we will work on mastering the skills at your level and then once I feel you have done this you will perform for Master Richard, showing him what you've learned." He smirked as Mia inhaled a sharp breath when he scratched a trail from her breast to her navel with his nail. "You'll obey me. And if you don't I will punish you. It's truly simple; all you need to do is listen and be a good, little, obedient girl. Can you do that for me?"
         His hand now worked its way to her hips, tracing back and forth between her hip bones in a way that had her eyes rolling back in her head. "Yes, sir. I can do that."
       He smiled, pleased by her answer and the adoring way he was looking up at her. He knew that she would obey him to the best of her ability and this made his heart beat faster. Training submissives was truly a joy for him.
       "Excellent," he leaned back, removing his hands from her. "Now, lets begin our training, shall we?"

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