Lesson 1

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Mia stood in the center of the room, naked once again, as her master looked at her. He had shed is shirt, a sight that was beyond distracting for her. Her master was built with muscles that looked like they were artfully chiseled into his skin, making her mouth water. She could only look forward to seeing what was at the bottom of that V that disappeared into the tight pants he was wearing. The beginnings of a bulge could be seen and this made Mia's heart flutter; he was just as aroused by her as she was by him.
The best part though was his eyes: warm and intense and blaring at her in a way that screamed sex appeal.
"There are some basics rules to the club that you will need to master first," Master Leo began, walking around his sub as she stood at attention. "The first you're already experiencing. The plug will remain in all day and you are not to touch it under any circumstances. Each night I will remove it for you to sleep and then replace it that next morning. You will ask me for permission to use the toilet."
          Mia blushed looking down, only to have her chin pulled back up. The look in his eyes was disapproving.
      "It's only natural, little one," he comforted her, "There's no need to be embarrassed. You will ask for my permission, I will remove the plug and then you will be free to go. That's all. Understood?"
       "Yes, sir," Mia nodded. She was already embarrassed for the first time she would have to make this particular request.
      "The next expectations we have are positions that every dominant uses within this club," he explained, walking into the darker corner of the room out of her sight. Then she could only hear his voice. "There are 5 of them, quite easy to remember, and I expect you to remember all of them after today. If you do not I will punish you."
     Mia gulped at the thought and began to sweat slightly at the sounds coming from the side of the room she couldn't see. There was a shuffling, like he was digging through drawers, but for what? The anticipation ate at her.
      When he walked back into the light she blanched at what he was holding; a brown leather riding crop and large purple vibrator. He smirked when he saw her eyes widen.
      "I thought I would make this lesson a little more... stimulating than just positions," he held up the vibrator turning it on, "What do you think, slut? Would like that?"
     "Yes sir," she nodded enthusiastically, "I would like that very much."
      "Kneel, like Richard showed you," he commanded, watching her fall to her knees and spread her legs. Between them he could see a beautiful pink pussy, glistening slightly in the light.
      He walked closer to her, taking the crop and rubbing it between her legs. Mia gasped, tilting slightly backwards to rock against the leather. He smirked, then brought the crop to smack against the wet folds, making his sub yelp.
      "You are to stay still in whatever position you are in, regardless of what happens to you," he scolded, smacking her inner thigh this time, "This is what you will get as a punishment each time you move when you're ordered not to. But..." he bent down, holding the pulsing vibrator against her clit for a brief second before pulling it away. "That is what you will get as a reward. Which would you rather have?"
      "A reward, sir," Mia gasped at the sudden onslaught of both these sensations.
      "And what do you need to do to earn a reward?"
     "Stay still in position, sir." Mia answered, fighting to do so as he dragged the end of the crop along her stomach and then up to her breasts. It came up to trace along her cheek, making her tense.
      He smiled down at her nervous expression; her eyes didn't match as they were full of arousal. Perfect. "Good girl, now stand up for me, legs spread apart." Mia did as she was told, then received a light tap of the crop on her back. "Bend at the waist and hold onto your ankles. Yes, just like that. Beautiful."
       The crop slid between her legs again, and she fought the urge to move and won. She gasped as she felt fingers brush against her folds, just tracing her delicate skin. He spread her wetness around and around as she gripped her ankles in an effort to remain still like she was asked.
      "This position is called 'present,'" he told her, enjoying the way he watched her struggle with his command as he pleasured her, gently scratching at her clit with his nail. She gasped but didn't move. "This is how you will display yourself for my pleasure and that of others. It provides excellent views of this wet little cunt and of your ass." To allow the point to hit home he tugged on the plug. At this she did flinch, moving her hands out of position to support herself.
      "I'm sorry sir!" She corrected quickly, jerking herself back into position. "I didn't mean to move."
      "Then why did you?" He asked, stepping away from her and smoothing the crop along her ass, tracing patterns. He was met with silence. This earned her two sharp smacks against her ass with the crop which made her whimper. "Hmm... why did you move little slut?"
        "I don't know sir!" She called, unsure what to say. She gasped as he slapped her again, this time twice on each cheek. "Because it felt good!"
     "Did it now?" He asked amused, stepping forward to press and tug on the plug again like he had before, "Do you like having your ass played with like this?"
        At this point Mia, couldn't deny that yes, having the plug in her ass manipulated did have her head spinning. She couldn't help it. "Yes,
Sir. I do like it."
Leo smirked, enjoying her answer very much. She truly was taking to her role much better than he had expected, even if she was a little fidgety. "What a dirty little girl. I will spank you three times for your disobedience and then we will switch positions. If you move, we start over. Understand?"
He traced along her pale ass cheeks, on display for him as he spoke. Mia fought the urge to shiver against his gentle touch.
"Yes sir, I understand." She braced herself, holding onto her ankles with more force. Her legs were starting to cramp in the position and she hoped she could stay up.
Leo moved back before bringing his hand against her right ass cheek with force, a punishing slap much more intense than the crop. Mia gasped, but stayed in position. The same thing happened when he struck her left cheek, even as he saw his hand print blossom on her pale skin. Then, to close off he struck her just under the pearl of the plug, ever so close to her cunt.
Mia squeezed all of her muscles tightly together in an effort to stay still. Her ass was on fire deliciously now, the warmth filling her up. The sting was worse than she had expected but then as it faded it burned in a way she liked. She knew she was dripping wet at this point.
"Good girl," Leo praised, taking a step back. "Now stand up, your legs wide apart."
Mia followed his order quickly, relieved to be out of the uncomfortable position. She spread her legs wide, looking at her master expectantly.
Leo smirked, coming to stand in front of his sub now. She really was a little thing, barely coming up to the top of his chest. His ego couldn't help but inflate a bit as he towered over her, her heels now discarded. "Now clasp your hands behind your back, holding onto your elbows. I want you to arch your back, let me see those pretty tits you have."
Mia blushed at the compliment, despite how crude it was and followed his instructions. As Leo took her in she felt her nipples harden.
"This is called Attention," he told her walking up to her and tracing along her breasts. He saw goose bumps form on her skin and watched her struggle in her eyes. She wanted to lean into his touch, she desperately wanted to. But she fought to stay still, eyeing the promise of the vibrator in his hand.
Leo looked at her line of sight before holding the vibrator in front of her. "Is this what you want little slut?"
Mia nodded. "Yes sir. Please."
Leo smirked before bringing it to her lips, wanting to see just how far she would go for him so early in her training. "Suck. Get it nice and wet for your cunt."
Mia's eyes widened, but she opened her mouth, taking the silicone cock into her mouth. She hollowed our her cheeks, sucking hard to please her master and hopefully lubricate the toy.
Leo thrust the vibrator in and out gently as he bent to take a nipple into his mouth. He felt Mia stiffen but she continued her ministrations, even as he rolled the hard bud between his teeth.
       With a pop, the toy was pulled from Mia's mouth and Leo stood back up again, looking down at his sub with a smoldering expression. Mia could only imagine the pleasure that this man could give her.
         He turned the vibrator on, the sound filling the room, before bending to place it between the wet folds of his sub's pussy. At the sudden onslaught of pleasure, the edge of the toy resting perfectly on her clit, Mia's entire body stiffened. She bit into her lip, desperately fighting the natural urge to rock against the toy and increase her pleasure.
       "It's difficult to stay in position isn't it little one?" Leo teased, gently moving the toy. "You want to take your own pleasure like a bad girl don't you?"
Mia bit her lip, looking at her Master with her eyes blazing. Yes. All she wanted was to rock her hips against this toy and make herself cum. But she knew that this would get her into more trouble than one orgasm was worth; more trouble than the three spankings she had received before.
"But I won't sir," Mia answered in a whimpering tone. This caused Leo to laugh, gently pushing the toy to rest against Mia's opening. She gasped again, pleading with her eyes for her Master to do something, anything to make her pleasure increase ever so slightly more.
"No, you won't," he told her, bringing his other hand up to pinch her nipple, tugging it hard to give her even more sensation. "Because I control your pleasure and your orgasm. Don't I, little one?"
"Yes, sir," Mia answered immediately. Her teeth were digging into her lip to the point where she worried it would break open.
"This is another thing you need to learn early," he pulled the vibrator back to her clit and Mia cried out. It was a beautiful sound to her Master's ears. "You cum when I want you to, when you earn it." He pulled the vibrator away suddenly and Mia wanted to cry out again, but held it back.
Leo turned, walking over to the large table located at the back of the room. He patted the top of it.
      "Climb up here, on all fours with your legs spread wide."
       Mia scrambled up onto the table, resting on her hands and knees, spreading her legs as far open as they could go.
        Leo smiled, seeing her pussy dripping from the pleasure of the vibrator he had tortured her with. He brought the crop between her legs, tracing the wetness around and around, teasing her with the leather. She gasped again, her muscles tensing beautifully.
       "You're dripping wet, little slut," he teased her. He brought the crop up and then sharply down against her folds and she called out. "This position is called Inspection. Each time we visit Master Richard you'll climb upon his desk just like this and he will test your compliance."
        The crop was still stroking her cunt, just enough to stimulate but not enough to satisfy. Mia's head was spinning; she didn't understand how after everything she could still be more aroused. Her entire body was hot and heavy, turned on to the point she had never been before.
       Mia's breathing was quickening and Leo knew she was slipping into a cloudy headspace. He needed to finish this quickly, before her new mind was overwhelmed.
     "Very good girl," he praised, tracing her back delicately, "You look lovely like this. Now turn onto your back, legs bent up and arms above your head."
       Mia moves quickly, assuming the new position. She had never felt as exposed as she did laying on the table, her body on total display. Leo's gaze took her in with intensity and she knew they both knew she was completely at his mercy.
     "This position is called Service," Leo walked to the table, standing between his subs legs. He traced the crop along her stomach, tapping lightly and watching her reactions with glee. "I will fuck you in this position, using you for my pleasure." His hands came up, scratching a trail down her torso. "Does that excite you, little one?"
      "Oh yes, sir," Mia moaned, fighting the urge to arch her back. She didn't want to risk another punishment, not when he was holding the vibrator in such an enticing way.
      "For now," he held the vibrator up so she could see it, "I'm going to fuck you with this, because you haven't earned the right to have a real cock in this dirty cunt." He pressed the vibrator into her slowly, so she felt every inch of it. "And you're not going to come until I tell you to. Understand?"
      "Yes," she gasped, desperately holding her hands above her head, "Yes sir."
          Her master smirked at her and Mia cried out as the vibrator was turned on and then was moving in and out of her at a pace she could barely understand. It hurt, it felt so good. Each time he pulled the vibrator out of her he made sure to graze her clit before pounding it back into her hole. The pleasure was building, making her head spin as she fought her orgasm.
       Leo's breathing was quickening as he watched Mia fall apart. Her cunt was reddened now, overwhelmed from his treatment of it, and her chest was moving rapidly, her tits bouncing in a way that tormented him. She truly was a wonder.
       "Please, Master!" Mia was screaming now, "Please can I come?!"
      He smirked; this is what he had been waiting for. "Yes slut, you can come."
      Mia's moans were loud, filling the room and echoing through the room. The explosion of pleasure was new to her, the way she knew so many things about submission would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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