empty, one

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mirror mirror on the wall, yeah
tunnel vision on the flaws
in the scale of things it's unimportant
so no talking, but it's still an intrusive thought
tried hard to correct it, yeah

michael was anorexic. his boyfriend hasn't knew yet. luke was still oblivious to whatever was going on with michael's body, and he didn't want him to know anyways.

he was just fat. maybe if he lost a few pounds, luke would love him more. not like he did now, anyways.

michael didn't like food anyways. his stomach would reject it anyways. he didn't know the after effects of what would happen if he didn't, but he didn't care. it was just for luke's love.

and his love was more important than his life.

michael always used this excuse, "i ate a lot during breakfast. i'm not hungry." and luke always believed it. obviously michael would feel jelly looking at luke eating his food, it was a natural instinct.

but he had to resist. for luke.

"for luke," was always his motivation.

just a few more pounds.

and everyone would be happy.

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