empty, four

283 14 13

and at first, it was working
but then things were emerging
cracked lips and tired eyes
i'm hungry with no appetite

luke finally noticed something was wrong with michael. he noticed his lip ridiculously pale and cracked. veins could be seen on his wrists. and his eyes were bloodshot.

he was concerned for his boyfriend, he was. but he didn't know how to help, so he just didn't go round the bush and went straight to michael and asked him what was wrong.

"i-i-i..." michael stammered.

"come on, michael! i am your boyfriend, we're supposed to be trusting each other! we can tell each other things! why don't you trust me? do you even love me still?" luke was fuming at this point. he couldn't take michael's bullshit.

and michael, being shy as fuck, ran away with tears sliding down his cheeks. he didn't know that luke was like his previous boyfriend. he thought luke was different. he guessed, he was wrong.

luke, on the other hand, was panicking. did michael break up with him? was he too fierce with michael? he didn't didn't know. he just wanted michael to tell him what was wrong. and apparently, according to luke, michael didn't trust him enough.

and luke just wanted to help.

A/N: oh god i am actually t o o lazy to do things now but i have to write this HAH anyways

hi. wattpad still being a bitcch and not letting me view my own story

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