empty, thirteen

175 12 0

arms, back, neck, thighs
suck it in and pinch my sides
the scales are betraying me
the mirror is a lie, yeah

michael did a lot of soul searching and thinking that day. he sees the look of frustration and sadness on luke's face everyday. he should be happy. why wasn't he happy?

if luke wasn't happy, then michael wasn't happy.

michael knew that he was bugging luke, but he didn't know what to do.

should he go back to normal just to make luke happy, but look fat at the same time?

or should he stay the same, without luke, suffer alone, but at least look skinny like normal people?

michael didn't know what to do. he grasped his slowly fading red hair as he dropped onto his bed, groaning due to pain of pulling his hair, and the shittiest headache he received a couple of moments ago.

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