empty, five

271 16 7

i'm shivering and shaking
and i tell myself it's fine
but you can't fool your body, you can only fool your mind, yeah

michael stopped eating all together. not really. if he did though, he would puke it all out. his mother didn't care enough anyways. she was busy enough to even notice what was going on with her child.

dad? well he left. couple of years ago, actually. left for some random lady.

michael just wanted to be noticed, though. no one would ever spare a glance for the red haired. his hair was a reason why he dyed it, but even after the colours, no one would still care.

maybe, just maybe, if he was skinny and pretty, people would notice him. maybe he would be popular. maybe, he would actually have friends.
(A/N: wow i'm l a z y to update HAHAHAHA i'm binge watching stranger things before my trial runs out i'm super budget go a w a y)

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