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Just so you know I've never played with a Ouija board, this is what I've gathered from another fic. Not Sry (also when someone *cough* Lafayette is speaking in French it's in italics.)

-Alex POV-

After everyone had a drink in their hand, John spoke up.

"Yo, Thomas...I noticed that Ouija board there...any particular reason why you want to play it?"

"Uh no I just thought it'd be fun. Why?"

This is where I notice that John has been staring at me. Or rather my chair.

"I mean maybe you thought this old house is haunted...that rocking chair is moving with no one near it...."

At this everyone looked towards the chair. It felt nice actually. Felt like they were looking at me.

"...sooooooooo are we gonna play the demon game?!!"

They all seemed very excited and I was a bit intrigued by what this game is.

They set it up and read the rules out loud. Seemed simple enough. Everyone just puts their hands on the planchette and ask questions.

I'm just wondering....if I could move it.

After they lit some candles and turned off the lights, everyone but Angelica, Burr, James, and Eliza put their hands on it.

"We're only playing one game here, Okay? Then we're moving on."

"I agree with Madison, we don't need to summon Satan into this house."

"Okay fine only one game, you pansies."

With that, I decide to try to move it as well. I put both my hands on the planchette and wait for Thomas to start.

"Spirits! This is a safe place! Are there any spirits with us tonight?"

They all giggle at his tone but stop when I start to move the planchette to 'yes'.

"...okay who wants to ask questions?"

"How about we ask if it's a good or bad spirit?"

"Yeah that's smart 'Liza."

Herc spoke up this time, "Are you a good spirit?"

I moved it over 'yes'. I'm proud that I can easily move it. It drains a lot of energy to move a pencil far.

"Okay when did you die?"

Angelica looked at John, "Really, you can't ask where treasure is or something but you can ask when they died?"

I moved it over the numbers anyway and Thomas read aloud as I did so.

"1-7-7-6. Hm...a while ago."

Peggy decide to pipe up with her own question, "What's your name, man?"

This time, all three of the "Revolutionary Set" read at the same time.


"Oh nice name."

Thomas complimented my name...if only he knew.

"Do you know any French?"

"Really, Laf?"

I wasn't expecting that question but I'll answer it anyway. \_(• - •)_/

"YES?! Are you French? Have you ever been to France? How many languages do you know? Are you fluent?

I was a bit overwhelmed by his questions but before I could do anything, Hercules tried to calm him down.

"Jesus Christ, Laf. He just said he knows French and you're acting like it's the best thing since-"

Thinking over his questions I begin to answer them and the planchette moving cuts him off.

"No, no, 3, and yes...so he's fluent and knows three languages but isn't French and hasn't been to France."

"Oh well that's cool, mon ami!"

"Ooh how old were you when you died?"

When they read my answer they seem a bit saddened.

"19." Eliza spoke up. "I'm sorry."

"Okay guys." John grabs everyone's attention. "I know we can't be rude to the spirit but...I wanna know if he's gay."

I felt myself actually snort at that. So did some of the others while a few full on laughed. Not Burr, though.

Burr just looked at him as if he just said the stupidest thing imaginable that he cannot even comprehend how one can be so idiotic. (Same, Burr.)

"I'm pretty damn sure that's considered rude."

Despite what he said, and the fact that John didn't really ask me...I decided to answer it anyway.


Everyone laughed and whooped and I realized just how much I was enjoying this.

They decide to end the game and move on with the night. After they all left and Thomas went to bed, I thought about how it made me feel.

I felt involved. I mean they know my name! They know how old I am! Or physically am. They know I'm here! Even if they think it's a joke they at least somewhat heard me.

It was like they were really talking directly towards me.

For the first time in over two hundred years, I wasn't ignored.

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