My Darling.

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-Alex POV-

I still remember how I used all my energy to reach into his dream. I remember his reaction when he woke up.

Thomas awoke with a start. I was beside him but he didn't notice me at first.

"Hello, Thomas."

At that, he snapped his head towards me in shock. I saw his eyes widen the same time my cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"You're really..."

He reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah... I really am."

I remember how confused everyone was. How we had to explain it to them.

" you died?"

We were all in the living room. I was beside Thomas while everyone one else was sitting in a circle.


"But you're alive again."


"And you're soulmates."


"....and you're both just gonna accept that?!"

Thomas and I looked at each other and smiled. He intertwined our fingers and chuckled.


I remember how afterwards was an awkward and confusing time for us. For the both of us.

I was sitting on the bed when Thomas came out of the bathroom and tried to ask me something.


"Alexander, how about tomorrow we can-"

As soon as I saw him I immediately turned away and felt my whole face flush.

"T-Thomas! Could you PLEASE put some clothes on!"

He stopped and looked at me, obviously confused.

"Why?'ve haunted me for months..."

"Yeah well I never looked at you naked! I respect your privacy..."

I felt myself grow shy near the end of my sentence. After a moment, he gave me his smirkish smile he always had.

"Oh how sweet of you. I don't mind if you look now though~"


How it took me a while to get used to Thomas's...charm. I was never in a serious relationship before I died nevertheless a homosexual relationship.

Thomas and I decided to watch a movie. Thomas was already sitting and I went to sit next to him.

Instead, he grabbed me, earning a yelp, and sat me on his lap.

"W-what are you doing?!"

He snaked his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm showing you my love~"

I shivered as his quiet tone reached my ear. After he said that he started kissing my neck and periodically flicked his tongue across it.


"You're so cute when you're flustered, sweetheart."

I remember all the times my heart rushed and my face lit up like a bright red Christmas light.

I remember how he absentmindedly touched me -whether from running his hand through my hair or casually holding mine- and how my heart soared every time.

I remember the first time we slept in the same bed and how I was so nervous and awkward about it and he just pulled me closer and whispered sweet nothings in my ear until I fell asleep.

I know he always does anything he can to make me blush.


I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear his voice behind me. I thought he was asleep. I turned over on the bed to look at him.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"No. Not at all, sugar."

I felt myself smile at this name. I always do when he calls me something sweet.

"What were you thinkin 'bout?"

His accent came out thicker due his sleepy state. It made me blush at his words.

"Just remembering everything that happened after I came back. And how everything since then has made me fall in love with you even more."

It was his turn to blush at my words. He quietly chuckled and pulled me closer to him.

We were as close as we could be without breaking eye contact. Faces flushed, goofy grins that almost kiss, and both slightly giggly.

It was perfect. He was perfect.

No wonder the universe made me wait this long; how could I live a life without this?

"I love you too, my darling."


Darling. Dearest. Dead. |Jamilton| Soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now