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-Alex POV-

Thomas was starting to notice the things I did. And I couldn't be happier.

Today was a "lazy day" when I guess Thomas just doesn't do anything of importance. Or so thought. And I wished.

"Hey! It's been a while!"

He was sitting on his couch while I was in my rocking chair. I looked up to see him on the phone. And from what it looks like he was really happy to talk to talk to the person. Too happy for my taste.

"Oh really? Hey you can come over to my new place! Yes it's fine but some weird shit happens sometimes so I think there may be a ghost or something but besides that it's really nice!"

Huh. He mentions me to people he invites over. I guess he really took notice of my actions. I'm not sure if that's good or not.

"Yeah, me too. I can't wait to see that gorgeous face of yours~"


He..he doesn't have a...no he isn't...

No! No no no no no no no....I...I can't lose him...

"All right. See tonight~"


Thomas can't-


And just like that, the day moved on. Too quickly. Way too quickly.

Soon enough, it was sunset and there was a woman at the front door.

"Thomas! So lovely to see you!"

She punctuated her sentence with a kiss on his cheek.

I wanted to stab her.

"Hey, honey."

Maybe if I close my eyes...I can pretend he's talking to me...

But instead of the lovey dovey reaction I was expecting, I heard a scoff. I opened my eyes to see a disgusted and judgmental look on her face.

"Honestly, Thomas. I told you I don't like nicknames! They're childish and disgusting. Really, are we middle schoolers?"


I would be head over heels if Thomas called me something like that! How could you not!

"Sorry, sorry. It's just a southern habit."

"Well you need to work on it."

I think his southern drawl is rather... oh, it's sexy as fuck.

She then grabbed his hand and started to make a suggestive and "innocent" face.

"How about we spend some time together...in your room maybe~"

...no. Thomas please don't.

"We just saw each other for the first time in months.."

"But Thomas I wanna have fun~"

Thomas don't listen to her-

"You must be tired from your traveling.."

"Which is why I want to feel good~"

Say no this!


"Please, Thomas?"



I felt my heart shatter as he said that word. I didn't hear what she said next but I saw her lead him into a bedroom.

There's nothing I could do. I can't stop him. He can't see what is invisible. My voice falls on deaf ears.

I can't stay in this house and hear this happen. I walked out of the house. I sat against a tree in the yard; far enough not to hear anything but close enough so I don't immediately get sent back to Thomas.

I hoped so badly that he would refuse. That he would hear me and shun her. That he would come to me and hold me and kiss me and call me sweet names and love me.

I wish I could have my happily ever after. I wish I could win over my Prince Charming and not lose him to a witch! I wish we could be in love.

I wish I could've always been a piece in his puzzle of a life. I wish I could've been his "high school sweetheart" or his boyfriend or even his closest friend because that would've been enough!

...enough compared to this...

I then realize that I'm crying. That it's now completely dark. That I've been sitting here for hours.

I don't blame myself. I don't blame Thomas. I don't even blame the girl even though I want to...

...now I'm lost to my soulmate.

Darling. Dearest. Dead. |Jamilton| Soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now