Chapter 2

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~Natasha's POV~

It had been a full thirty minutes since I had communication with the paladins. Where are they? Another explosion came from my left as I was escorting a mother and her infant to the shelter we had excavated. I ran with her into a sturdy building and hid there.

I placed my hand on your right ear. "Any soldier near my location I need assistance immediately! I have a civilian with me!" as if Irene herself had answer my prayers, five mechanical lions soared above us and destroyed the sentries that had cornered us. They landed a few yards away. I looked over at Chris, who had arrived and was waving the civilian over. She obliged and ran off to the designated area.

Chris catches up to me as I'm walking up to the Black Lion. "Plan?" he asks. "Nope. But I know they'll have questions." he chuckles in response. "they always do." the lions all lower their heads as their designated paladin speed walks out and runs up to the two of us.

The black paladin steps forward and gives his hand for me to shake. "I am shiro, paladin of the black lion" I quickly shook his hand. "names Natasha, glad the legend rings true. Come with me quickly, we have to evacuate the city." we began speed-walking our way to the shelter as I explained. "we were awaiting for one of our own to arrive and help with the evacuations, but our communications were severed. Now we're only hoping for the best."

"we had just begun to fix the communicater when we sent out the distress signal. Those are usually used for emeregencies." Chris had stated, laughing sheepishly. "isn't this and emergency?" the yellow paladin had asked, clearly confused and a little nervous. Chris and I stopped in front of the shelter and turned to face them, smirking. "we've been through worse." I stated.

Chris opened the doors to the shelter and all the refugees had turned to look at us. Chris cupped his hands over his mouth so everyone could hear, "Everyone! Pack up your things and go to your designated group. Leaders of groups 1-5, come up here and we will assign you to your paladin. Group 6, stay on stand by! We'll be with you in a second!" I turned to Chris, ignoring the confused looks of the paladins behind us. "what are we gonna do about group six?" "the best thing we could do now is either slpit them up evenly or wait for more backup, but we're running out of time" he said, clearly anxious. "Irene help us..." I muttered

Eventually we decided to take the last group to a cargo ship and get them loaded there. I went with the rest of the groups to make sure all were on safely. As we were loading the last two groups, shots were fired from the north. There were swarms of sentries running toward us. I pointed at the blue and yellow paladins, "you two stay here and guard the groups while they are boarding. The rest of you come with me, " I pull out my blade, "we need to hold out until they are all boarded" They all nodded in agreement to the plan and the three ran and began to fight alongside me.

We were way too outnumbered. I was running out of ideas, and electrobombs (when they go off, they release electric smoke). I was pinned down by a sentry and it was about to attack until I saw a green arrowhead sticking out of its chest and it fell over. I stood up and saw that the sentries had retreaded, for now.

"Well I new you guys needed help but I didn't know it was this bad..." an all-too-familiar voice came from behind as I turned around to see Travis leap down from the remains of a torn down building, Garroth following behind him, Bayard in hand. I grinned. Finally they got here.

~Shiro's POV~

"You're late" I heard Natasha say as she walks over to the two guys that just arrived and she punches the one with white hair. "Ow! Hey what was that for!?" "For being late! Where are Evergreen and Aqua?" she remarked at the guy. The one with blonde hair answered her. "They are both a few miles out, I went to evacuate the remaining group and Chris told me you were still down here so I came to get you-"

"Buuuut~ I 'd know you would have preferred me." the white-haired guy cut him off as the guy with blonde hair only glared at him. Natasha only rolled her eyes, "look I don't care who I ride with. All I know is to finish up here and get these families back to have their houses renovated."

~Natasha's POV~

I looked over at the guys, gesturing to Garroth, "This is Garroth, Water paladin, and, " I gestured to Travis, "Travis, paladin of nature-" "Aaaand every girl's heart~" both Garoth and I facepalmed. I looked over at the paladins and they all had the same expression, shock.

Travis leaned into me, "I think you broke them" I smacked him on the arm, earning an amused chuckle in response. I clapped my hands together, which seed to snap them all out of it. "we should get going now, we still have a battle to finish!"  They all simply nodded and went into their lions, flying off.

"We have a loooot of explaining to do..." Garroth stated nervously. "You bet, let's finish up here."

//after the battle//

The paladins offered to give us a ride back to our randeveu point with the others so we happily obliged. Though I kind of regretted it. As soon as Garroth, Travis, Chris, an I arrived, we were bombarded with questions about how there were other paladins that existed or where the rest of the wolves were, seeing as a while ago, they had seen the green and dark blue wolves and flipped out.

I was growing tired of the interrogating until I jumped from Garroth yelling, "ALRIGHT ENOUGH STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND MAYBE WE'LL HAVE THE TIME TO ACTUALLY ANSWER THEM!!" I turned and placed my shoulder on a very ticked-off Garroth, which calmed him down a bit. I then turned to the paladins, and the two others and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "So...haha..."

"Where do we start?"

Word Count: 1079

(On Hold!)Fighting for a Cause-A ShiroxReader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now