Chapter 4

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Your POV

Shortly after my team had reunited, we had boarded onto the castle of lions. The wolves were placed in some of the lion's hangars, where they will be kept safe. I walked into the control room and jotted down coordinates to the closest planet in our coalition, which happened to be Scaleswind. I explained to Princess Allura and Shiro that from Scaleswind, we will be able to summon a wormhole that will take us to the heart of our coalition, Pheonix Drop.

Shortly after, Aaron, Garroth, and I walked into the lounging room, where the other paladins and members of my team were hanging out and chatting away. I smiled and sat next to Travis, Aaron sitting on the other side of me.

I overheard Travis talking with Lance. "...You have to be able to read the girl's mind from afar, that way you don't offend her in any way." Lance was nodding in agreement and I think even taking notes!

"Oh mother of Irene I think Travis found his apprentice." I whispered to Aaron and Garroth. They both chuckled and Garroth looked at me, "keep in mind that Nat, Chris, and I have had to deal with him since the very start of this mission. It was you who assigned us you know." I smiled and laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

All conversations were cut short when we heard the door open and turned to see Shiro and the princess walk in. Allura looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and nodded in her direction, 'a sign of respect towards royalty' as my father would say. They sat down next to Keith, looking over at the rest of us.

"Is there anything that you can say about your rebellion? To pass the time and maybe even get to know you all a bit more than just acquaintances." Allura said, smiling at us. I smiled and sat up straight, "Well for starters, our rebellion has been going on for a long time now. Almost 50 years. Along with that, we've had the wolves for support and if it weren't for them along with the other members of the coalition, we wouldn't be where we are now." Travis sat up and smiled, "Yeah! Also in case you were wondering about the wolves, there are six of them and they form into another Voltron, but we named it the Lunar Titan. It adds a sort of flare to it." Travis mad jazz hands as he said the word ‘flare’.

Aaron chuckled and crossed his arms, leaning back into the lounging chair, "says the person who crashed on the first test flight." Travis glared at Aaron, "Like your one to talk! At least Evergreen responded to me the first time unlike you." Aaron glared back at Travis and I sighed, a bit happy that I sat in between them. "I swear to Irene..." I sighed and stood up, Garroth immediately taking my place, to make sure Travis and Aaron don't kill each other.

I laughed a bit and sat in between Natasha and Pidge. Natasha chuckled, “did the boys’ bickering get to you, Y/N?”  I sighed and leaned back, “You have no idea…” I closed my eyes and leaned back, feeling relaxed until I felt someone touching my ears. I shot up and turned to see Hunk, his hands still positioned from when he was scratching my ears.

He smiled sheepishly, “Sorry! I couldn't resist! They looked so fluffy.” Aaron laughed, “Well they are, but mine are fluffier.” I shot a glare at Aaron, my eyes narrowing, “You wanna go?” Aaron glared back, “Oh I do.” I was about to say something back when Travis cut in, “I'll end this now, Melissa’s ears are fluffier” Aaron and I turned to Travis, both in union yelling, “WHAT”  Garroth sighed, “I feel bad for Melissa when we see her again…” Laurence nodded in agreement.

~Shiro’s POV~

I chuckled along with Allura while we were watching our new allies bicker with each other. “You guys must be very close to each other, besides being on the same team.” Natasha giggled as she looked at everyone. “Yep! We’ve been together since the very beginning of our coalition! We look out for each other.” Y/N smiled as Aaron slung an arm across her shoulder. “Yep. Also that fact that I'm related to this potato!” Y/N elbowed Aaron as he flinched and chuckled. “Not funny Aaron!”

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