Chapter 5

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Your POV

The castle landed on a landing bay that was connected to our headquarters. We all took the shuttle down to the surface, where Maya and Katelyn were waiting. I ran up to them and gave them a high five.

“good to see you two girls again. Man it's good to be back.”

Lately chuckled, “Well things have been pretty peaceful. At least until you showed up.” Maya laughed, “Heeeyyy they're not that chaotic. But they can be once in a while.”

I scoffed, “Your one to talk, Kate. Your a member of the team too.”

She smirked, “Yeah but I'm the calm one.”

“NO YOUR NOT!!” I heard both Garroth and Aaron yell out in union, while the rest of us laughed.

We led them all to a large room, which was our control room. It was like the castle of lions, only it was a lot larger. We told them about it really quickly and then showed them around the rest of the place. We sat down in a large room, filled with tables and chairs. (It looks like a college classroom). I gestured to the entire room, “And this is our meeting room. The leaders from every rebellion and our allies come here and we all talk about what's going on within our rebellion.”

Maya cut in, “Yep! Every rebellion plays their part, whether it be on the front lines, or just staying behind and helping refugees.” Maya then gasped, “QUIZNAK I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! Y/N, THE BLADE OF MARMORA IS ON A LINE, THEIR WAITING FOR YOU!!”

Keith's POV (bet you didn't see that comin)

“QUIZNAK I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! Y/N, THE BLADE OF MARMORA IS ON A LINE, THEIR WAITING FOR YOU!!” Maya yelled. Y/N's eyes widened, “Why didn't you tell me sooner?!”

Maya threw her hands up in surrender, “I'M SORRY DON'T KILL ME”

Y/N sighed, then looked at all of us, “I'm sorry, I have to go. The others will be sending you to your rooms. I'll see you all at dinner!” She then ran out with Aaron.

Maya then turned to all of us, chuckling, “Well now that it's just the 8 of us, seeing that the other paladins have to go train, why don't I show you around?” Travis and the others had all walked out already, so it was just the eight of us. Shiro stood up, “Lead the way, Maya.”


~Shiro's POV~

Maya had already shown us around, and Maya was now showing us to our rooms. We had walked up to a simple door, like the one that goes to my room at the castle. Maya touched a panel that was next to the door, then turned to me.

“This is your personal room, so we are adding a hand scanner to it so that only you can open it. Go on, it's all set up.”

I walked up to the scanner and placed my flesh hand on it. It scanned my hand, beeped twice, then turned black. My door started to glow. And the decorations that were once a bronze color turned black.

“It changes to your designated color. I designed it myself.” Maya said proudly.

Pidge practically had stars in her eyes. She started asking Maya a bunch of questions. Maya only laughed in response. “Why don't we wait until after we're all settled in?”

Maya and the others had left me to my room while they went to theirs. I opened and I saw what was going to be my room for a while. And I was impressed.

The room had everything you needed. A queen sized bed, a bathroom, walk in closet, and a balcony that led to the outside. There was a door on the far side of the room that led somewhere else. I opened it, and it was a small study, but what impressed me was the view. It had a large window that made up most of the wall. You could practically see the entire planet from there. I stayed there for a bit before going to my room and changing out of my armor and into my everyday clothing.

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