Chapter 3

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~Travis's POV~

After Garoth had his little outburst, everyone in the room had shut up. Nat broke the silence by laughing sheepishly, "So haha...where to start?" That had triggered questions to come from all over the place:

"Where'd you get the wolves?"

"How many are there?"

"Do they form another Voltron?"

As the questions were being brought out, my eyes landed on a woman with elf ears and white hair. She seemed confused and...hurt? Another guy with elf ears and an amazing mustache had the same expression. I looked over at Nat, who had noticed their expressions as well. She walked over to the two and placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, with a solemn look on her face.

~Allura's POV~

How is this possible? Only the lions existed and now there are...wolves as well?! How did my father not tell me about this? I look over to Coran and see the same feelings that I have on his face as well. Even Coran didn't know of this!? Why didn't my father tell me of this!?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, which brought me back to reality. I saw the woman that arrived a few moments ago. She had a solemn look on her face. "Look," she began, "I know you feel bad because your dad didn't tell you two, but both your father and our leader, agreed to keep it a secret so zarkon wouldn't get his hands on it." she turned to the rest of the paladins, now acknowledging all of us, "I know you all have questions, but we can't answer them. Not now at least. You all have to wait until we get to the rebellion."

Travis had cut Natasha off. "WOAH WOAH WOAH. Lemme get this straight-we're just letting them in like that?! I get that they're 'honorary paladins' " he stated the last part in a sarcastic tone, which caused everyone to groan in annoyance, but then he became more serious, "but shouldn't they be treated the same way we all did in the beginning?" Natasha sighed and looked at Travis, "I know we were treated differently and we went through a lot of things Travis, but you know as well as I do that y/n will want to see this." Travis sighed and simply nodded.

~Natasha's POV~

Chris stepped up, "Alright so here's the plan: we'll meet up at the randeveu point with the others, talk to y/n there and then...I guess see what happens then." He looked around, waiting for any objections, which there were none. And simply nodded. "Alrighty then let's get to it!"

~a while later...~

Chris had given them the coordinates to the randeveu point so now we are just waiting until arriving. The trip so far has been...hospitable. They treated all of us kindly. Me, Chris, and Garroth were sitting in the lounge with the yellow, green, and red paladins, who were introduced to us as Hunk, Pidge and Keith.

I sat in between Garroth and Chris and looked around, "Where's Travis?" Garroth rolled his eyes, "probably off flirting with whatever he can find." Chris and I both snickered in response. Pidge strolled into the conversation, "I'm guessing he's a big flirt?" the three of us looked at each other and laughed aloud. "haha! Yeah Travis has enough confidence to fill up an entire planet! But that confidence always gets him into trouble when he flirts." I replied to Pidge, who sat there amused, "Soooooo, he's another Lance?" Garroth shrugged, "pretty much."

At that moment, both Lance and Travis-who where walking around and giving each other pointers on flirting and sharing each other's pick-up lines with each other-had walked in on all of us-Keith included-laughing. Travis looked at us with a blank expression, "I don't even wanna know" We all calmed down as Travis and Lance had joined us on the couch.

Chris broke the silence, "so how do you think things are going back with the others?" "Hmmmm...well Katelyn's probably off doing her thing, Aaron is probably with Aph-" garroth began. "and Zane is probably of venting somewhere like the emo that he is. " Travis stated which I responded with whack on the head.

Travis gave me an innocent grin and I rolled my eyes, "Well, we'll find out when we get there, now won't we?" it went silent again until the intercom throughout the castle went off. "Paladins-and guests-we're arriving" the boys and I got up and started walking to the bridge with the other paladins. "here we go," I muttered before following.

~Shiro's POV~

The guys had just gotten to the bridge when the planet was in sight. "Sooo, that's your base?" Lance asked. Travis answered, "Nope. This is only a communication hub. If we're ever tracked, we can stop here and check, kinda why we chose to call it randeveu point"

We landed a few yards away from the hub and looked outside. We then saw two more of the wolves, one red, and one of an Amber color. We were about to question it when Natasha broke the silence, "Hey Aaron and Laurance are here." "I'm not surprised that y/n isn't here, she's usually busy keeping the rebellion intact." Chris continued.

Natasha shook her head and chuckled, "let's go. They're probably worried as it is since we had lost communication with each other." Natasha, Garroth, Travis, and Chris walked out of the bridge with us following behind them. We took the shuttle(i don't know what it's called) down to the surface and the doors opened to reveal to men.

One had black/brown hair and red armor, and the other had brown hair and an Amber colored armor. The two looked at Natasha and the others and their eyes lit up. They all came and hugged each other, saying things that we couldn't really make out.

Natasha gestured to the one in red armor, "This is Aaron-" she the" gestured to the one in an Amber armor, "and thus is Laurence. Guys these are the paladins of the Voltron lions." they both nodded to us and the one in red spoke up, "nice to see the lions are still intact and functional. Come on, y/n's waiting inside." "She's here? But where's Violet?" Chris commented. Laurence chuckled, "We'll explain everything inside. Come on." we followed the two into a large base and went down a few corridors until we reached what looked like the main room.

In the center stood a woman wearing purple armor and h/l h/c hair. She turned towards us and ran to Natasha, engulfing her in a hug.


After the guys walked in, I ran to Nat and gave her a big hug. "I was so worried about you! After they commed me from home, I got worried so I came with Aaron and Laurence and-" Nat, as usual, was able to shut me up, "We're fine, Garroth and Travis came in time. Also we had extra help." she gestured to the seven strangers that had walked in with them, "These are the new paladins of Voltron. And of course you remember Alfor's daughter and companion Coran."

I looked at the paladins one at a time. By the looks of it, they were chosen at the last minute and it looked like they didn't have much battle experience besides the black paladin. But looks can be deceiving. My eyes landed on Allura and Coran. I was happy that they had survived. "It's wonderful to meet you five. Allura and Coran, although you may not remember me, it's good to see you two alive and well."

The two looked confused until Natasha cut in, "Why didn't you bring Violet with you?" I sighed, "Before I had gotten word of what was going on with you four, I was handling another area. We had gotten under heavy fire and by the time it was over, Violet was pretty shaken up. So I left her to rest." Travis walked over, "And Katelyn?" I smiled, "Don't worry, she offered to take care of things while we came over here. Anyways, I think it's time that you guys had a fair explanation." I looked at the others,

"it's time we introduce you guys to the divine coalition."

Word Count: 1398

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