Chapter 6

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Shiro's POV

Y/N and the others have been training for a while now. Whether it be fighting a gladiator or sparring with each other. Sometimes they even do targets or just warm up. But fighting-wise, they are really good. Individually and as a team. But they could still use some work on team building.

After a small break, Kara turned on the mic and spoke to the lunar Paladins that were sitting in the center or the training deck floor, “Alright guys, last exercise. Here's a scenario; your leader has turned on you all. You need to work together as a team to defeat her. The environment will change based off of what relic you wield, so you'll have the advantage. Y/N, get in the center. The rest of you, surround her.”

Kara looked at Maya, “Your in charge of biome changes.”

Maya nodded and walked over to the panel, setting up the room. She then looked at Pidge, “You're gonna love this….changing biome.”

As she pressed a button, something changed in the training deck. The floors and walls turned black, and changed into a hologram of grass and a blue sky. Trees started growing and different plants began forming in the training deck.(It's like the room that King Alfor was in during season 1 and 2. The room would changed environments, only instead of Altea, it was whatever they commanded it to be.)

I looked at Pidge through the corner of my eye and she was ecstatic. She had a huge smile on her face. I only chuckled.

Kara turned on the mic, “You all have a common enemy, and one goal is on your mind; take down your leader. Go!!”

Travis ran up first, and he summoned a weird relic. He held it in one hand as his other summoned his Bayard, turning it into a bow. He raised it up and vines began to grow and went after Y/N, who was jumping around and dodging everything that he was throwing at her. The others had disappeared in the forest, probably using a sneak attack method. Travis continued to grow vines and thorns at Y/N, and she kept getting closer to Travis. Once she got close enough, her Bayard appeared, and she formed it into a staff. Soon they were clashing. Her swinging her staff while Travis swung his bow. She was able to swing at him a few times, and eventually kicked Travis's feet, causing him to fall to the floor. She then swung her staff and he flew a few feet away from her, disappearing in a hole that appeared on the floor.

“Where did he go?” Hunk asked.

A few seconds later, A hole appeared in the ceiling and Travis fell out, landing in a seat as he groaned, “Dammit! I was so close!!”

Maya laughed, “Maybe next time, Travis. Changing Biome.”

The trees disappeared, and the once grassy terrain turned into a large plain of snow and ice. Vents opened up on the walls in the living room, and began blowing snow and wind, creating a large blizzard within the room. Y/N shielded her face using her arms as she began looking around. From behind her, a bright blue blur quickly moved towards Y/N. She last minute moved to the side, barely dodging Katelyn’s fist, which was now protected by metal and armed with claws that emitted a blue flame. Katelyn gave Y/N no time to react and kept striking. They moved so fast. Next thing we know, Katelyn was kicked in the side and flew back, disappearing in the snow.

We were waiting for her to emerge and fight back, but instead she flew out of a panel that opened in the seat next to Travis. Katelyn growled, “QUIZNAK!” Travis chuckled, “you'll get her next time babe.”

Maya smiled, “Changing Biome.”

The room faded black once again, and turned into a beach. Sand formed, along with water flowing into the training deck. Suddenly a large wave grew and washed over Y/N, distracting her as Garroth charged with his sword. She regained her posture and her staff clashed with his sword. They went at it for a while, but Y/N noticed an opening and elbowed Garroth in the gut, causing him to double over and she kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fly back and land in the sand. He disappeared through a hole in the ground and appeared next to Katelyn in the room with us all. He didn't say anything, and only groaned as he was still doubled over.

Travis leaned forward to look at Garroth, “You okay, man?”

Garroth only nodded, “Yeah….just give me a minute…..she hit me where it hurt.”

Almost all the boys in the room flinch and felt sorry for Garroth, while the girls only look at Garroth with pity and confusion.

Maya looked back at the training deck, “Changing Biome.”

The room began forming a bunch of canyons and cliffs. The sky was grey, covered in a semi-thick sheet of clouds. The wind picked up inside the simulator, and Y/N looked around warily. Suddenly, she turned around and a large clash of metal was heard. Laurence had tried to attack her from behind, but failed miserably. They clashed for a bit on the edge of the cliff, until Y/N activated her jetpack and flew over Laurence, landing behind him and giving him no time to react as she swiped her leg and kicked his side, sending him flying. Once again, a hole appeared and he went through it, appearing the room with us. He only huffed in annoyance and sat down next to Garroth.

Travis sat up straight, “alright time to get serious. Aaron can do it.”

Katelyn sighed, “he's gonna fail.”

Travis glanced at Katelyn, “babe. I love you and all, but have faith in our fellow teammate.”

Katelyn chuckled as she watched the training deck below them. We all looked as the biome changed to a rock floor with cracks of lava here and there. The edges of the training deck were outlined with fire as boulders and ledges were added. Y/N looked around her, flinching slightly at the sudden heat. Aaron was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, a blast of fire was shot from the shadows, targeting Y/N. She dodged it last minute, and it left a small burn on the side of her armor. Aaron ran out and began swinging his sword at Y/N, but she deflected each blow with her staff. This went on for a while. Suddenly, Aaron lost his footing and slipped. Y/N had the upper hand and swung her staff, hitting his side as he fell to the ground. Aaron stood up, but was met with a fist to the face. However, before Y/N's hand made contact, she stopped at the last second and smirked. The simulation ended, and the room returned to normal. Kara sighed and made the L.P's go back down into the training room.

Kara huffed, “you all work very well as individuals in the right biome, but you need to work as a team. That's what this exercise is for. Team building.”

Y/N sighed as she sat down to take a drink of water. She was out of breath, and had a towel draped over her shoulders.

After a bit more lecturing from Kara, the group left the training deck and met up with us in the lounge room to chat. Tomorrow, we'd be heading into the city for an official tour.

We can't wait till then.

1276 words yeet! Let me know what you guys think!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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