A/N: Thank You

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I recently looked at my wattpad profile and saw the number of followers I had, I was blown away by how many I had. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would reach over a thousand followers. I got wattpad about three years ago and started off with a one-shots book of my favorite fandom... Transformers. I loved Transformers and after reading fan-fics of the fandom I decided to write my own stories of the fandom. At first I didn't expect much to happen, I thought that maybe a couple people would read my book. And a couple people did. The numbers were small at first. People requested one-shots, I wrote the one-shots and published them. In about two weeks I had at least three hundred reads. I was pretty happy about that. I knew that it wasn't much but what made me even happier were the comments. People would ask for more one-shots and say nice things about the one-shots. I had a very low self-esteem due to my lack of confidence and how I was treated. But as time went on and more people started to read my stories and leave comments that would make my day flip from bad to good. Next thing I knew I had about three hundred thousand reads on my story. I told my parents and they were happy for me even though they didn't really understand why I was so happy. I was happy because I was making other people happy. I love to make people happy because seeing the smile on their faces made me happy. Most of my friends had really bad days so I made it my mission to improve their day.

Enough about me because I didn't make this to bore you but to thank you. To thank all of your for your support. You may be thinking that this isn't really support. But to me it is. It has helped me through hard times in my life. Writing has definitely helped me a lot in school. Especially English.

Once again.... Thank you.

Also I made a really bad drawing of Predaking for you all. So sorry for my lack of skills in drawing transformers. This is my first time drawing a transformer on my computer.

 This is my first time drawing a transformer on my computer

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He looks scared. And his smile is very awkward. His eyes are also weird as well.

Anyways I hope you all have a fantastic night/day and thank you again for the millionth time today.

Transformers One-Shots (Second Book) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now