Chapter 2: Another Drink Please

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Chapter 2

Another Drink Please

"I guess this is bye. Thank you for raising me. I really couldn't ask for a better person to raise me." I gave my boss a final hug. I somehow was sad about leaving, but at least I'd be starting a new life.

"I'll miss you Ash. Just remember that this is all I want. I want that man dead. He hurt you so bad that he needs to go down." I let out a few tears at the thought of leaving the only person who knew what happened at my sister's death.

"Bye." I felt Josh grab my hip to push me away. I let go and wiped away my tears. Josh and the boss give each other a goodbye wave and then we leave. We get into the car and start driving to the airport.

"Don't you feel like you're finally grown up." Josh laughs a little after the end.

"I did when I lost my virginity, but now I feel like I have freedom." Josh let's out a laugh.

"Remember when boss was going to give you your first person to kill that you weren't scared to kill, but to kiss the guy. I had to kiss you all day, so you could get ready." A laugh echoed though the car. A nervous one a-matter-a-fact. I was scared. What if Theodore doesn't find me attractive or we never meet. I'd have to come back to boss empty handed. I've never failed anything and I sure as hell won't start.


"Aye, we need to start calling each other by our new names, Vanilla." I grunted.

"Fine Andrew, what happens if Alice never likes you or Theodore never likes me? I mean we're going to spend a year with those brats." Andrew laughs at me.

"Vanilla, it isn't like they aren't amazing-ly attractive, plus we can still see each other. I promise this will be fine. I mean look, you've been living at the boss' since you were 13. Now you're 21. That went by fast didn't it?" I nod. We arrive at the airport and go through security. We sit down and wait for our plane. I look at the TV on the wall with the news.

"Hotel last night, man murder." Andrew walks over and laughs.

"Vanilla, you're on the news! Congrats!" We laugh.

"Whatever Andrew. You've been on there far more times than me."

"And they haven't gotten me yet." We arrive on the plane and start to Washington D.C.


It's cool. Like how cold it would have to be to freeze hell over. To say the least, I'm a bit chilly. We walked around Washington D.C. to find the damn apartment, but to our luck it was all the way across this damn place. I'm just completely pissed, and to add to it in a hour I'm getting my hair dyed. My natural color is brown, but I guess that isn't good enough, so I'm going blonde.

"Vanilla, we're here!" Andrew and I run into the lobby. We get our keys and sigh in relief. I get to the room and unpack my stuff quickly. I have 2 hours before I have to be at the bar, and I want to look my hottest since I'll have to be with this guy for a year.


I took the shot and knew for sure that tonight was going to be fun. Even though I was meeting a guy I'd have to spend at least a year with, I was excited to make him jealous. I knew a way to get a guy to fall for you wasn't flirting, being yourself, and just looking hot; you had to act the act. You had to make him want you, and seeing a hot girl with another guy can make a guy do a double take, maybe a few more if you're really good.

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