Chapter 7: I'm Getting Married

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Chapter 7: I'm Getting Married

"Dance with me!" I screamed to Theo over the loud voices in the club. I moved my body to the music. I hummed along with it as other people started dancing. I look over at Theo and he just shook his head. I laughed at him and joined a circle of dancers.

"Hey beautiful." A handsome voice entered my ears. I turned around to him and smiled.

"I'm with my boyfriend, but I can dance with you!" I yelled over the music. He grinned at me as we danced. I knew this was my way of getting Theo to dance with me. He was always so stubborn around me. I moved my body with the mystery man and the music. It wasn't an easy task, but I did it.

"Do you remember me?!" He said over the music. I looked at him a little while and nothing came to mind.

"Am I suppose to?" I asked the man. He laughed at me and pointed to Theo.

"He's your boyfriend right?" He said. I nodded. "I was the man from the bar stool." The light bulb went off in my head and I let out a 'ohh'.

"I remember you! You are amazing! Yeah, that guy and I are together. Thanks. What's your name anyways?"

"Kyle, and it's no big deal. I got laid that night, so I'm just as happy." He chuckled. I gave him a high five and danced with him some more. After a few songs, I decided that I wanted to spend time with Theo. I expected him to already be with me by now, so I knew something was up. Kyle and I said our goodbyes, and I raced to Theo though the crowds.

"Vanilla! Vanilla! Where are you?" Some called my name though the club and I looked over to the doors. I saw Andrew looking around the place.

"Andrew! Over here!" I waved my arms around till he saw me. He raced over towards me.

"Fuck Vanilla! Where's Theo?!" He shook my shoulders in a panic state.

"I don't know. I was looking for him to. What do you need him for?" I asked. Andrew pushed me to the side and ran though the club, entering the back bathrooms. I just stood there wanting to know what Andrew was doing. After a minute or two Andrew came racing out with Theo behind him.  Andrew zoomed past me as Theo grabbed my hand and we raced out. "What's going on!"

"Alice." Was all I heard though Theo's running. I followed them as they ran across the parking lot. The parking lot was on a higher level than the road. So, you have to drive up a ramp, but in our case we had to jump down about ten feet. Andrew did care free. Then, Theo seemed not to notice me there because once he went down he kept after Andrew. I stood there not knowing what to do.

I took my high heels off because landing on those bitches would hurt for days. I ran my hands though my hair trying to figure out how to tackle this problem. I would walked over to the ramp, but it was on the other side of the building and walking all the way over there and back would be painful. I decided that I was going to slide down the wall.

I let my feet dangle as I thought of how to do it. My dress was like everyone else in the club, short and skin tight. I dropped my feet down as I grabbed with my hands. I dangled there and I wanted to scream. How did Andrew and Theo survive this? They were already far away from me, but that didn't make me not want to go to them.

I felt my right hand start slipping as my bangles on my wrist slide down my arms, hurting a little. The pain and the slipping as my skin stretched the concrete was making falling sound better. I decided when I was at my finger tips, I was going to let go. I kept slipping for what seemed like a second, but when it came I release my hands.

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