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Lizas POV:

my eyes shoot wide from the flashback dream

- lizas dream/ flashback -

i feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, i roll over and start pushing regan

L: babe
R: what?
L: its time, we have to go to the hospital

he springs out of bed and we head to the hospital, the pain and suffering of these past 9 months have finally came to an end and soon i will be pushing out a child and holding her in my arms

Dr: okay miss koshy! its time to push

she says smiling as she walks over to me and goes over there to catch the baby

Dr: on three i need you to push and keep pushinh until you hear the baby cry! okay!

i nod


the more they count down the more of an erge i have to push

Dr: 3!

i push and keep pushing

Dr: we have a head!

i countinue to push until i hear the rest of my baby's body parts being called

Dr: ok on more push elizabeth and your baby will be here!

i take the last push and then she calls it, i sit back with relief and cry a little bit as i hear my baby girl's cries fill the room

Dr: and we have a healthy, very beautiful baby girl!

the doctor says as she turns around with my baby in her arms, as she passes her to me

Dr: i'll be back with the birth certificate
L: okay!

i say after i cuddle my new baby girl isabella, after a while the doctor comes back with a birth certificate, i signed it with confidence

R: im not signing it
Dr: okay sir but if you dont sign it then the baby will state as not yours
R: im fine with that!
Dr: okay then here you go!

she says sitting the papers next to my cleaned desk

Dr: well! enjoy your baby and i will be back to check up on you and then help you with the small things!
L: okay thank you!

the doctor leaves and i turn to regan

L: why didnt you sign it?
R: because shes a mistake

- end of dream/flashback-

i shoot out of bed like a ball in a cannon ball and my eyes widen as my breathing heavily quickens, david shoots up along with me and looks at me as his eyes fill with worry

D: are you okay?
L: no

i say as i begin to sob, he pulls me into a hug and i just cuddle into his arms as if i was a baby and he was the cradle

D: shh shh its gonna be okay

david says comforting me, i soon come to realization that im not in the room that i fell asleep in

L: where's isabella?
D: she's in the guest room sleeping, dont worry i have baby monitors, iv checked on her, she's fine
L: can you go get her? please?
D: sure

he lets go of me to go get isabella, as i pull my knees to my chest now cuddling them minutes later he comes back with isabella in his arms, i big smile goes across my face at the sight of them together

D: here she is

he says passing isabella to me as i cuddle her to my chest then looking up at david and going back into his chest cuddling

L: thank you for everything davie
D: no problem babe

he says as i look up at him, he leans down and kisses me as i kiss back, when we finish technically making out, i lay back down and we admire my beautiful baby girl

D: can i hold her?

i nod and pass her towards david, he lays her on his chest and she cuddles straight into him

L: she's never warmed up to someone this closely, or this quick

i say letting out a chuckle

D: liza?
L: yeah?
D: can u tell me about her dad?
L: well technically she doesnt have one, he never signed the birthday certificate because he's always seen her as a mistake, but to me shes the best thing thats ever happened to me
D: oh, i mean it might be a little too early, i know we are technically still strangers,but can i sign her birth certificate? and be her dad? i didnt know i had so much love for two girls, but you two girls have showed me i was wrong, id love to take isabella in as my own child

i sit up shocked by the words coming out of his mouth

L: i mean david thats-
D: you dont have to say yes i was just saying if you would like to do that i would love it
L: i dont know we just gotta get farther into our relationship first

i say with a smirk that he catches onto

D: oh ok well we can go meet my friends tomorrow, i think you will get along with them, and maybe they will babysit for us

he says sliding his hand down my body. oh shit

L: yea id like that

i say biting my lip, i look up at him with a smile and then we kiss, i lean back into his arms and we just admire our baby now, i love him already, and with that we drift to sleep

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