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Davids POV:

i wake up the next morning a bit slumpy but its okay, i decided to treat liza by making her breakfast, i slowly slide out from under her, i lay isabella next to her and sneak out grabbing my phone on the way out from my room, i hear noise from the kitchen, as i walk in im visited by chiqui

D: oh hey chiqui
C: hola daved
D: good morning! would you mind making breakfast for 2 people today?
C: good morning! and i would love to
D: gracias chiqui

i say as i grab an apple and walk to the living room before chiqui catches me

C: what are these baby bottles doing here?
D: oh yea, i need you to teach me how to make a bottle
C: oh ok

she shows me step my step on how to make this oh so precious baby bottle for this precious baby isabella

D: okay thank you

just then i hear isabella start to cry and i run to the room and get her before liza can wake up

D: its okay i got her
L: thank you

i bring isabella out of the room with her laying peacefully on my chest now with the blanket laying lightly over her back

D: good morning isabella!

i say as i walk more into the living room

D: this is my living room, this is my kitchen, this is my pool table, this is my front door, this is my light bulb, this is my clickbait sign, and this is chiqui
C: david shes so precious, hola hermosa
D: wanna help me out?
C: lf course
D: how do i change her diaper

chiqui facebalmed her head and i mentally laughed to myself

C: okay,sígueme

i follow her to the diaper bag and she shows me how to change the diaper

C: and then bamb your done! and this little lady is clean as well!
D: thank you chiqui

i tell her as i start to pick up isabella and bring her to the living room to feed her the fragile bottle she love's, as i hold her while feeding her as i sit on my plain white couch, as i admire isabella and she admires her bottle oh so much, this is probably the most beautiful baby iv ever seen, she looks like she could be lizas twin sister, she looks nothing like her father, it like liza got pregnant by herself, even tho that cant happen this baby is fucking adorable

C: david! breakfast is ready

at the same time isabella finishes her bottle and i can burp her

D: ok let me go wake up liza

she nods in response and i walk to liza as i burp isabella, as i reach the room, i lean down carefully and shake liza, she so peaceful, but she has to eat

D: liza
L: huh?
D: come eat breakfast

she nods and gets up as i lead her to the kitchen, she turns the corner and chiqui is there, she jumps at the unexpected guest she woke up to

L: holly shit i was scared but hi
C: hola
D: oh liza this is chiqui my maid and chiqui this is liza my girlfriend

i look and see liza smile at me saying she's my girlfriend, they hug and then we go eat as isabella sleeps on the couch

C: david! im going to the guys house!
D: ok! i'll see you later!

we yell thru the house as i hear the front door close, i grab liza's hand as she countinues to eat

L: im finished
D: i love you
L: i love you too

we lean into the kiss and then go cuddle with isabella on the couch, mid way thru cuddling liza and i end up making out

D: guess what
L: what?

she say giggling

D: its time to go see my friends
L: shit
D: whats up with meeting my friends?
L: im scared they wont like me

she says with emotions rising in her voice

D: liza, baby, pookie, listen, you are perfect and beautiful, im sure they will love you, how could someone not, your an amazing, funny, talented girl and anyone would be lucky to be friends with you, if they dont like you then o well they will have to learn because im not letting you go anywhere because i know your just too precious to let go

i say to her as she smiles as me, we lean into a kiss and then start getting up

L: ok well then you can get isabella ready? while i go get ready?
D: i'd be happy too

and then we separated to get ready for liza and isabella to meet the vlog squad

escape ,, dizaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя