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Davids POV:

i wake up on the couch and wipe off the droll on the side of my face as i lift up to see liza and isabella sleeping lightly on my chest, i smile to myself

D: baby, want me to take you to bed?

she nods and i pick up her and isabella, carrying them to my bed and laying them down gently, as i pull the covers over their two small bodies, and begin to walk towards the kitchen to start breakfast, i know liza like's avocado toast or something like that, due to her instagram stories, so thats what i made, after an hour or so liza groans and walks into he kitchen

D: good morning,baby
L: good morning
D: how ya feeling?

i ask passing her the toast

L: sick
D: do you think you'll make it out alive?
L: i hope so

she says with a giggle, she begins eating until all of a sudden she drops her toast and runs to the bathroom, i follow after her and pull her hair back as she lets everything out

L: sorry
D: dont be sorry, just let it all out

i say rubbing her back, she lifts up and begins to stand up

D: are you sure your done?

all she does is nod and starts eating again, all of a sudden her phone begins to ring

L: shit
D: who is it?
L: my parents
D: do they know-
L: nope! so act dead!
D: okay

i drop on the floor and act dead

L: hey mom, and dad
LM: hey sweetie, how are you
L: im good
LD: so how are you and regan, and of course my baby girl isabella
L: actually, um, regan and i aren't together
LM: what happened?
L: well, he's been abusing me our whole relationship but when you guys where here he wasnt abusive because 1) you guys where here and 2) i was pregnant, he raped me and thats how isabella was made and then he raped me again the night you guys left and then he beat me one day so i took isabella and left, now he has another hoe im guessing
LD: omg honey! were coming to visit! expect us tonight!
L: oh wait-

and with that they hung up

L: so, are you ready to meet my parents?
D: are you ready to tell my friends?
L: oh shit.
D: thats right

she gets up and goes to the room chuckling to herself, around 30 minutes later i walk into the bedroom and see her on the floor with isabella

L: look babe, shes gonna crawl

we lay her on the floor and then she begins to roll around, but she soon starts to swim, just on land

L: isabella

liza coos towards her, isabella looks towards liza and starts moving


isabella crawls towards us and liza picks her up

L: congratulations baby girl!

she looks at me to see that i have my camera out

L: whats with the camera?
D: im a youtuber
L: oooh
D: yea
L: lets get ready to go see your friends, i guess?
D: yea!

escape ,, dizaWhere stories live. Discover now