| eighteen |

393 14 9

9 months pregnant
isabella is 11months

Lizas POV:

i wake up with morning sickness again, i go to the bathroom and take care of that before laying back down with david

D: where did you go?
L: i got sick
D: oh okay

he cuddles me up to him, a few hours later our slumber was awakend by isabella running in and climbing on us

D: shit

david muffles his words

L: what
D: her knee hit my balls

i start busting our laughing as we play with isabella

L: the baby is literally sitting on my vagina
D: what does that mean?
L: it means i can feel her head coming out of my- yea
D: oh

david starts laughing like he didnt know shit

I: bweakfas?
L: ask david

she turns to david and slaps his chest

D: what princess?
I: dawid cook bweakfas?
D: i'll cook you breakfast

he picks her up and walks to the kitchen, i lay in bed and scroll thru instagram before getting up to go to the kitchen, on my way there i feel something wet drop from below me, i quickly grab onto the wall


he quickly comes running around the corner

L: my water broke

i say holding myself up by the wall and holding the bottom of my bump, he leads me to the couch, as i sit

L: call kristen and tell her to come get isabella

he quickly grabs his phone and calls kristen, her saying shes on her way, david grabs isabellas bag and helps me take my pants off

L: dammit!

i say grabbing his hand

L: david, im not having anymore kids
D: okay

he grabs my hand before we hear a knock at the door, he grabs isabella and her bag, quickly bring her to kristen, after kristen leaves i get up and get our bag ready, putting a robe on, making david carry the bag as i go to the car, david following after me

L: did you get everything?

i ask as he pulls out of the driveway

D: yes
L: okay

he grabs my hand and kisses it, as i grip onto it as well as the door

D: its okay, were gonna be okay, right?
L: yea
D: our baby is coming!
L: yea because child birth is so fun

i say with sarcasm, slightly chuckling afterwards as he joins me, we pull into the hospital, david jumping out and grabbing a wheel chair, after i sit in it he rolls us into the hospital, we get checked in, i get changed into a gown, and sit in the hospital bed, after the nurse checks us up they leave so its just david and i , he sits next to me and grabs my hand

D: our baby is coming
L: the avocado is coming

we start laughing

D: what do you think he/she will be?
L: i think its gonna be a little boy, he's gonna grow tall, be super handsome, have maners, and steal every girl's heart just like his dad, what do you think?
D: i think its gonna be a girl, shes gonna be short, she's gonna be a mix of us but look more like you, a beautiful baby, with carmel skin, shes gonna be polite, oh boys are gonna be ALL over her, but ya know she's not gonna be able to date until shes 45 so i feel bad for those boys! shes gonna be beautiful, smart, funny, and all those other things, just like her momma, shes gonna have the BIGGEST heart, always be loving and open, but ya know shes gonna have my genes too, so when she puts animals on people, when they start crying, she'll take the animal off of them, and apologize, oh damn shes gonna be an amazing young lady when she gets older, steal all the boys hearts, like her mama
L: damn, you really planning it all out
D: well i sorta fell into the mood

we start laughing before connecting our lips for a quick peck

L: our little avocado will be here soon!
D: yes!

after hours of contractions and all the GREAT labor symptoms that i LOVE oh SO MUCH, it was finally time

N: okay on 3 push okay?
L: okay!
N: 1..2...3

i push with litterally EVERYTHING

N: again

i litterally think im gonna fart


i push again, anxious to meet my little baby, my body relaxes as somthing leaves my body, my head falls back, as i hear my baby's cries leave the room

D: you did it babe! the avocado is here

david says kissing my head as we wait for the nurse to turn around with our little baby

N: congratulations its a-


next update 10/2/18

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