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Lizas POV:

i wake up naked and I roll over to check the time. The clock reads 10:48 am and I sigh seeing David laying next to me naked. I lay on my back and think of the events from last night. He was.. he was going to hit me. It doesn't matter if it was a mistake or not-he was going to hit me. But I let him have his ways with me, even if I did enjoy it it was wrong. And he lied to me. Him and Corinna has sex. Why didn't he just admit it. Our relationship can't be based off lies- it's not right. I get out of the bed and pick up my shirt and underwear from the floor. David shuffles as his eyes flutter open.

D: Good morning

he says with a smile.


I say putting on some pants.

D: Where are you going?

He asks and I start quiet.

D: Liza?

He says sitting up.

L: I'm going to get Isabella

I say simply and he makes a shocked face.

D: I thought we'd stay here and cuddle a bit-ya know we don't have to get her so early

he says shrugging.

L: Yeah well we're not going to stay her much longer

I say sharply and David is taken by surprise.

D: Liza what are you talking about?

He says getting up from the bed.

L: David please, just stop asking questions and let me be-it's too early for this

I say and walk out of the room. I get my keys and drive to Kristen's house. I knock on the door and text Kristen I'm here. A few moments later she opens it up and smiles.

K: Hey Liza I didn't expect you to come so early

she says while letting me in her house.

L: Yeah, I just missed her I guess

I say chuckling a bit.

K: Yeah she's adorable- I see why

Kristen says smiling and I smile back. A minute later I see my beautiful girl being carried in Kristen's arms. She gives her to me and I smile at her.

K: I'll be right back to get you the rest of her stuff

Kristen says and I nod.

L: How are you baby? I missed you

I coo and kiss Isabella on her head. Kristen gave me her stuff and I thanked her. We talk for a while before I decide it's time to go. As we walk to the door I turn and face Kristen.

L: Uh how much do I owe you?

I ask pulling out my wallet.

K: Oh no no no Liza you don't owe me anything
L: really?

I ask.

K: No I insist really how much do you want?

I ask again.

K: Liza it's okay-I'd babysit this girl for free any day

Kristen says grinning.

L: Thank you

I say once again and hug her.

K: Anytime

she says hugging me. I make my way back to David's house I drop off some of Isabella's stuff before I get stopped by David.

D: You're back

He says and I nod silently.

D: Liza can we talk?

He asks and I let out a big sigh.

L: Sure, about what?

I say.He stops me from moving and lightly puts his hands on my shoulders.

D: What's wrong? Tell me what's on your mind?

He asks and I look down.

L: Look it's nothing okay-
D: Don't lie to me Elizabeth tell me what's wrong

he asks now a little more stern.

L: I'm thinking of moving out okay?

I say not looking at David. I can feel him staring at me.

D: What?

He questions.

L: I think it's best if I move out with Isabella into our own apartment

I say elaborating.

D: But-but why?

He says.

L: Look dave I appreciate what you did by taking us both in but I think it's time for us to go, I'll find an apartment you won't have to worry about us

I say tearing up. I don't want to let him go but it's for the best. The best for the three of us.

D: Liza look at me

he says but I refuse.

D: Liza

he insists. I look up at him and his eyes are filled with hurt and worry.

D: We both know you don't want to move out

he says.

L: But David how can I keep up the act?

I snap.

D: What act?

He questions.

L: The act that I'm not mad, or saddened by your actions.. how can I still be with you even though we both have problems of our own

I say spilling out everything.

D: You're mad at me?

He asks.

D: Why?
L: Because David you almost hit me yesterday-and you lied straight up to my face about hooking up with Corinna

I say.

D: Why can't you just let that go? It was a mistake and I love you Liza and only you
L: if im honest i thinks that you and i are getting too ahead of ourselves and we need time away from each other and we shouldn't be together right now.
D: so are we over
L: yes, we are, we broke up, so you are free to do whatever you would like with who ever you would like
D: oh
L: david, im sorry, its just, i have a daughter, i have a baby, a actual human being, i have responsibilities and i have to take care of her, and she comes first before any other person or guy in my life, i have to take care of my daughter, i cant be doing things like this 24/7, im really sorry, just i cant right now
D: its okay liza, i totally understand, just please get out

i simply nod

L: okay

and with that i picked up isabella and walked out of the house

escape ,, dizaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora