| twelve |

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as i walked into the living rooom and isabella crawled over towards me, i picked her up and she kissed my cheek, laying her head on my chest as she tries to take a little nap

D: hey pookie
L: hey bubba
D: where are your parents?
L: they went to see sometype if tour thing for a musem
D: oh, that will keep them distracted i guess

he says sitting next to me as i cuddle into his chest

D: wanna watch a movie?
L: sure, lets watch "The spectacular Now"

i go to netflix and type in the name, clicking onto it

L: bubba?
D: yes?
L: are you gonna leave me now?
D: no, precious, i would never
L: good, because, i need you, and i love you too much to let you leave me
D: its okay pookie, i love you, and i would never leave
L: my dad just has to move on from it and accept the fact that im in love with you
D: yes he will

i lean up and place a gentle kiss on his lips as he leaves one on mine, isabella starts crying as we pull away

D: i'll go change her
L: please

he stands up and picks the fragile isabella off of my chest, bringing her towards her nursery to change her, i look around for my phone saying its no where to be found, all of a sudden i hear the ding from a room down the hall

L: yes? have you seen my phone?

i say walking into the room, just to see my phone in his soft hands, as he stares at the screen

D: um yea i actually have, you got a text
L: what does it say?
D: "hey baby, when can i see my child, cant wait to see you again"
L: who is it from?
D: i dont know you have a password, but liza if something is going on between you and whoever this is then just tell me, dont hide it if you're cheating on me
L: what! babe, thats crazy, i would never cheat on you, after all i cant cheat anyways if i wanted to because im pregnant, you don't actually think i would cheat on you, do you?
D: i mean-
L: whatever, im not trying to hear you say im a cheater, my password is 1457, open the text and see who it is

he does so and looks at the messages

D: whos regan?
L: its isabellas father, just block his number, i dont need him anyways
D: okay then

just then david phone goes off and i pick it up reading the text

D: who is it?
L: i dont know YOU have a password
D: its 4203
L: whos stacey?
D: my ex, what does it say?
L: its a picture, of a positive pregnancy test, explain

i say throwing his phone at him

D: okay its a long story so sit
L: okay

i sit on the floor and lay isabella infront of me so she can play with her toys

D: so stacey and i where in a relationship for around a year or two until we where having problems and i told her i was gonna leave her, so she faked a pregnancy for a full 3 months until i found out and then left her, shes been sending me the same positive pregnancy test picture every week now, but its not mine even if she is pregnant because her and i have been over for almost a year now
L: woah
D: and thats why when you told me you where pregnant i had you take test
L: ohh
D: yep, this white boy has trust issues, it usually takes me like a year to trust people
L: weve only know eachother for 4 months now tho
D: well you're different, you're the one
L: aww bubba

we lean in for a kiss as our lips connect isabella starts clapping and giggling

L: remember that day you said you wanted to put your name on isabellas birth certificate?
D: yep!
L: are you still down to do that?

his eyes light up

D: more than ever!

escape ,, dizaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora