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Lizas POV:

we get out of the tesla and reunite our hand's as david carry's isabella who is currently sleeping soundly in her car seat as david carry's her inside the house, we knock and a boy with grey hair, about 6' tall, and had alot of chest tattoos answers

D: hey scott
S: sup dave

the so called boy scott opens the door wider so we can go inside the house, david sits isabella down on the couch and i just stand there, david turns around to face me

D: you can sit if you want
L: okay

i say as i nod and sit

D: oh scott, this is liza and liza, this is scott
L: hi
S: hi

we shake hands

S: so are you davids-?
L: oh uhhhh
D: she's my friend

i guess he dosent wanna tell people we're dating yet

S: oh well hi oh uh kristens in the room with the rest of the girls if you want to go in there
L: im fine, i'll just stay here with my baby
S: oh this is your baby?
L: no its a strangers

i say with sarcasm and hear a small chuckle come out of his mouth

S: funny, whats her name?
L: isabella
S: she's cute
L: thank you
S: ok well im gonna go swimming so yea
L: okay bye
S: bye

scott leaves and i look at david

D: that went well, now we gotta meet the rest
L: theres more? i didnt know you had friends

i say as we both start laughing, just then isabella starts crying

L: can i get her out?
D: yea i mean its still a baby

he says as we laugh and i get isabella out to try and calm her down, but she dosent stop

D: let me try
L: okay then

i pass her onto david

D: hi princess

she instantly settled and stopped crying

L: she just love's you
D: yea i guess she does

david sways her back and fourth as he lays fragile kisses on her head, he looks at me and since there's no one in the living room he goes in for a kiss, but scott walks in and he pushes me onto the couch , making it look like i just went to sit down, it sorta pissed me off tho

S: hey david and liza umm kristen was wondering who liza was, do u want to meet them?
D: she would love to
L: can i just have isabella back?
D: of course

he passes me isabella and i just hold onto her

D: come here liza
L: okay

he leads me towards a room in the back, as he opens the door there's a bunch of girls sitting on the bed

D: hey girls this is liza and isabella

a girl with brown hair, about 5'5, and hazel eyes speaks up

K: OMG THE BABY IS SO CUTE! also is this your girlfriend or something?
D: oh no jesus not ever

well fuck him too then, i sit on the bed with kristen and the rest of the girls as they obsess with my baby

C: so are you and david a thing?

a girl with blonde hair named corinna speaks up

L: no just friends
C: you know david and i used to be a thing?
L: really?
C: yea he's amazing in bed
L: oh nice to know
C: i mean he dosent sound very interested in you
L: why do you say that?
C: i dont know, he's just always had a tone with people that he likes and he dosent have it with you
L: oh cool, i mean we were never a thing anyways so i dont care

it's true, most guys wouldnt be scared to admit a relationship to his friends, he never asked me out anyways, so technically we aren't together

C: cool! so can i fuck him?
L: sure
K: what about todd?
C: him and i aren't doing so great
K: oh
E: liza you have the cutest baby

the girl with dirty blonde hair named erin speaks as we look at my baby girl giggles

L: yea
C: she sorta looks like david

the pink haired girl named carly speaks up

K: omg is this david's baby?
L: god no
K: oh
L: ye
E: are you sure you and david arent a thing?
L: 100%
K: ok well im free to babysit whenever!
D: cool wanna babysit tonight?

david says walking in as he cuts us all off


kristen says as she jumps up and down, then looks at me for approval

L: i dont know-
K: oh please liza! please! i'll feed her and take care of her! pleaseeeeee-
L: okay shit fine
D: ok well liza when your ready to leave, i'll be outside by the pool so just come get me and we can leave!
L: okay!

i say as he turns around and starts walking back outside

C: sooo about david

corinna says speaking more of him

L: what?
C: we fucked the other day, and im pretty sure him and i are a thing
L: cool
C: i know right!
L: mmhm totally

liza you were stupid enough to think he loves you

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