I Just Want Some Sleep

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Alissa POV
That morning I woke up and did my errands, clean my half of the room, brushed my teeth and went for breakfast. Lazy bones as my roommate was still asleep.

I knew breakfast in this foster care wouldn't last long and he looked like he wouldn't have wake up anytime soon. I took a plate from the cupboard and filled it with food.

I didn't know how long he has been alone for or if he had eaten a decent meal. Thats why i felt sorry for him and no I'm not catching any feelings for him. It was just a kind act

I walked back into our room and placed the food by the night stand and covered it for him. I look across at the sketch pad and saw his name.

Roman Parker

Even his name sound mysterious.

Roman POV
As i turned the scent of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils and the aroma was filling more and more with it every second followed

I peeked my eyes open to see, Alissa with a plate of food coming my way.

She was to kind for a human being she was about to walk off when she saw something on my bed.

Im sure my dumbass probably left the sketch pad open.

Welp now I'm dead

"Ramon Parker" she said with her soothing voice.

My heart jumped with joy but suddenly stopped itself.

"You cant fall in love with her, you cant put her in danger" i sung like i Was reciting a poem in my head.

She was too beautiful, yet her mysterious side perk my interest to her even more. I hope this gang bullshit could of never happened maybe we could of been friends maybe even more.

Alissa POV
The food was getting cold, it was close to noon and he wasn't waking up I decided to go wake him and at least tell him I brought food.. Actually next thing he get the wrong idea and say something out of the ordinary.

I'll tell him one of the ladies brought him breakfast.

I walked over to him and before i could of wake him i was pulled into his embrace.

I was shocked but he was still fast asleep.

Was he having a nightmare, precisely with his past?

" Please don't leave me, i wish i had died instead. Not a day goes by when i didnt hear your screams when you flung 15 meters from that car. I would do anything to meet you again."


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