Darling Just Hold On

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2 weeks passed, the wedding was less than a month away. I only had one person to talk to in this shitty house and that was Ashton sister Lea. She was a understanding person yet i couldn't trust her, for all i know she could be telling Ashton everything.

I wouldn't lie my mind ran on him, every day, every hour, every minute and second. I was so mad but i could never see me being mad at him.

Here i am locked in a room, where i could hardly see the sun and the moon. The only thing that keep me sane was the book it had in the room.

I would read and read until dark, and I secretly hoped he would come save me but i might be weeks, months or even years. I would have done gave my life to some stranger to save his.

Thats the crappy part about it. I would worry about me and he probably doesn't. He probably happy with his new family.

Ramon POV
She was gone, no longer in my arms. I worked tirelessly to find her. No trace of her, its like she vanished out of thin air.

I never had a child, they lied to her. That child was his sister one. She even told me that wasn't mine. I didn't say anything. I wanted her to hate me.

But i didn't know the results would of have her married to someone else. I was so dumb. Something told me hush my mouth and i followed my instincts as it was always right.

When she agreed my heart left my body. I couldn't stop her, her eyes, it wasn't as beautiful as it was. It was pure hate. She hated my guts.

Im going to find her before that wedding. Even if it kills me. At least she would be happy with someone she loves and not a screw up like me.

Back To Alissa POV
Lea brought me to the market, i was feeling a bit woozy since i left. I told her i need to go the pharmacy to get some tablets and that i should be back in a minute or two.

She stood outside while walked in. One of the woman looked at me and asked what's wrong as i looked pale as hell.

I explained the situation to her and she mumbled "what if she is pregnant?"

It then hit me.

That night, no protection and i wasn't on birth control.

"Excuse can i have 3 pregnancy test please?" I asked

She handed me the box as well as some tablets to take if i was really pregnant.

When we reached, i kissed Ashton on his cheek (disgusting btw) and said i was going to freshen up because i was sweaty.

I ran into the bathroom and sat there.

Maybe you might be the one to get me out of here. I peed on the test and waited patiently for the results.

I was scared to look.

I took the pregnancy test up and as expected

I Was Pregnant.

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