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Okay guys so i don't know how long this chapter will be up, but this is EXTREMLY IMPORTANT. And i have to stress this you guys, i NEED feedback from you guys because this is a very important descision and it will effect all my readers.

Okay, so i recently got into a bit of trouble with my parents. Kind of a "stuck between a rock and a hard place" situation. Anyway, my parents found this account, and im not supposed to have it. Now, im wondering: If i delete this account (DONT FREAK) but move all my stories to a new, but COMPLETELY SEPARATE account, would you guys continue to read them?

You guys i love Wattpad and i love writing for you. It makes me so happy that so many of you enjoy my stories. But i also have to think about my well-being, because my parents are kinda pissed at me. Whatever way this goes, i love all of you and i hope to be able to write for you all still. Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this crap, because i know im not thw best author. Im so glad you guys take the time to read what i write, and vote/commwnt on it. It mean so so SO much to me. You have no idea.

Now i NEED. YOU. to comment with feed back. I hope to contiue to write for you guys, but im not sure.

✌❤You'll always be my cookies❤✌

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