Chapter 2: Jaime's Dream Job

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I turned to Bart. "You saw that?" He stared at me. "Course I saw that. Questions is, what do we do?" I grab him by the sleeve. "We get the others."

Highly unadvised, Jaime Reyes. Instant termination should be our next move. The girl is an obvious threat. Time is passing. Why should we not charge in after her?

"Dude, boys don't go in the girl's restroom!" 

I do not understand. Is there some hidden barrier? Scanning. No barrier detected. Jaime Reyes, there are no seen obstacles. CHARGE. 

"Ugh, I'll explain it to you later. Right now we need the team." Bart looked at me. "Dude, I know social norms. What, you thought we didn't have separate bathrooms in the future?" I groaned. "Let's just go."

Back in the bookstore, Robin finally got what he wanted. He looked up and saw us. "Guys, you said you would save a spot for me! Look at this line!" I pulled him out. "We've got bigger problems. Where are Cassie and Garfield?" He looked shocked. "But, my book!" Bart grabbed it. "Let me see that. Dude, this is about a wizard middle and high school. Don't you have better things to read?"

Robin looked at my book. I hid it behind my back, but he saw the title anyway. "A Guide to a Future in Dentistry?" he read. I looked down, should've asked for a bag, but we were in a rush. "I don't want to be a hero forever, once this scarab is off I won't have a choice either." 

Robin snatched it back. "Robin, there's this girl-don't give me that look!" I told him. "You're not saying it right. Let me try," Bart said.

"Ahem, thisgirlhasthesesupercreepyeyesandtheseweirdpowersbutwelosther."

I sighed. "What he's trying to say is that Bart ticked off this girl who turned out to be a meta-human. And we kind of can't get to her." Robin started. "What does 'kind of' mean?" "She's in the girl's bathroom. Where no man can go," confessed Bart. Robin groaned. "Fine, fine, let's get Cassie."

"That's what I said..." I muttered. "Where are they anyway?" Robin was already walking. "Cassie dragged Gar to the Disney Store." 

*** At the Disney Store***

We found them in the Marvel section. Cassie spotted us right away. "Ti-uh, Robin! Have you seen these fictional superheroes?" Bart looked up from a Loki action figure. "Fictional? Well, actually, Cass-" I stepped forward. 

"These are ridiculous. Spiderman? Does he have powers or is it the suit?" 

"He has powers. You're thinking of Ironman." 

"OMG. It's a robot Superman!" 

I turned to Cassie. "No, Cass, that's Vision, he's totally different-." She shook her head. "No, look. He's red and blue, and he shoots lasers, can fly really fast, and has super strength!" She shook the tag in my face. "Look at the facts, Jaime!" Cassie turned to Robin, who hastily dropped a Star Wars action figure on the floor and kicked it under a shelf. Poor Anakin. "Cass, we really need you," said Robin, getting on task. "What, why?" asked Garfield. "She was gonna pay for my Porg stuffie." "Not the time," I told him, though that thing was adorable. "Actually, we might need you, too." 

"What?" said Robin and Impulse. I bent down a little to get face-to-face with Gar. "How do you feel about being a girl?" A nearby mom heard me, scowled, and ushered her kids away. 

"He can't do that."

"I can't do that." 

Bart and Gar looked at each other, then at me. "Dude, do you know how long it took for me to change my skin and get rid of my tail? I haven't been in public forever! My ears are still a little green. That's what the hood is for, it's not to look like a moody teenager." I took my hood off. "So you need a girl?" said Cassie. "What for?" 

"Jaime and Bart spotter a meta-human, who escaped into a girl's restroom. We don't even know if she's still there, though. Or anything else about her actually." Robin coughed. "So, if you could, you know, have a look around in there?" 

"Of course! A new girl! Hold my purse for me, Robin." She dumped it in his arms and speed-walked to the restroom. Robin stared at it. He was too slow for Bart, who quickly slung it over his shoulder. He and Gar collapsed laughing at him. The brown leather purse mismatched comically with Robin's all-black clothing and shades. The twinkling gold buckles didn't help. 

"Man, this thing is heavy. What's in there?" said Bart, putting his hand under it. Robin held it above his grasp. "Don't you know to never look into a girl's purse, Bart?" I told him. "Yeah, "said Gar. "I looked in my sister's once." He shivered. "There were woman things in there." Bart stopped reaching for it and held his hand as if the purse burned it. 

"By the way, Rob. How are you and Cass?" I asked him. He blushed. "Good, well, really good, ever since...well." Now we all looked down. Kid Flash's death had given Cassie the courage to kiss Robin, and they had been together since. "It's been a couple months now hasn't it? How many dates is that?"  I tried to move the subject along, since Bart was uncharacteristically quiet. Robin got the memo. "Actually, only five. Two were at the movies, one at the beach, and two at an ice cream parlor." 

Then he scowled at us. "This was actually supposed to be one, but, all of you decided to tag along." Bart seemed back to normal now. He put an arm on Robin's shoulder. "Robin, Robin. Those are cute, innocent dates. When are you ever going to get to the good stuff?" Robin scratched his head and looked a little confused. "Well, I'm trying to take it really slow and-" Bart spread his arms. "You need to think BIG little bird! Cass wants you to take her places she's never been before! Come on, be more romantic!" He paused. "You know what, I'll help you. It'll be crash!" Robin looked concerned now. "NO. Bart, it's okay really." 

"NONSENSE. I cannot stand by and watch this relationship die. Don't worry, I'll help you to your wedding and beyond!" 

Please hurry, Cassie.

How was that? A little better right? Poor Tim, he really has no idea what he's doing. Just wait till you see what Bart will do about Wonderbird! 

Also, please comment! I'm really new to the world of Wattpad!

  -Reneryt :)

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