Chapter 8: Nightwing's Message

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***One Day Previously***


I'd gotten a message from Nightwing earlier today. It was sent to everybody on the team.

"Hey, heroes! After some pleading and negotiation on mine, Robin and Batgirl's part, we've all been authorized a stay at... dun dun dun... the WATCHTOWER! (for a limited time only)" 

"That's right, thank me later, er, us later. "

"So what we need you to do:" 

"Get all the blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows you can find. Mattresses would be nice on all that hard marble floor. (Apparently carpet is a no-no at the Watchtower, Flash and Captain Marvel spill too often.) Stuffed animals if you're feeling brave. Wrangle up snacks and refreshments."


"Meet tomorrow, 7:00pm at the Hall of Justice. BE IN COSTUME, BUT WITH A CHANGE OF CLOTHES IF YOU WISH. The league has informed the rest of the world that we are showing up for a mandatory meeting. So just wait in front of the zeta-tubes for a league member to shoo you in. Once you're inside the Watchtower, help the rest of us prep for MOVIE NIGHT!!!"

"-Nightwing out "

Of course I wasn't going. Everyone would understand. I'd just stay here, moping on my bed with our, my, dog Brucely. I couldn't even binge on ice cream or anything, because Wally's favorite food was, well, everything.

I watched some sad Korean dramas and eventually fell asleep. 

*** The Next Morning***

When I came to, it was 11:00am. I went to check on my phone, and it opened on Nightwing's message. Was it selfish that I was having second thoughts? I wouldn't have to stay for the whole thing, just pop in, throw in some blankets, and leave. And this was super selfish of me, but I kind of wanted to come, just so the girls could trap me in hugs and beg me to stay. 

It took a long time for me to decide, like the whole day, but I grabbed my Tigress uniform, and started hunting for slumber material. 

Now for the snacks. There wasn't a lot left in the cupboards and fridge, so I drove to the nearest convenience store. I didn't even freak out the cashier anymore with all the food I bought. Both he and I were used to it since Wally likes, liked, food in abundance. 

Finally, I arrived. And then I promptly dropped everything I held when I saw what was before me.

Ugh, I know, I'm totally drawing out the moment, but I'm really looking for inspiration for that big Spitfire moment you know? Also, I feel that it deserves its own chapter. So just bear with me! It's coming soon!

-Reneryt :)

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